
What do you think will happen in 10- 100 years?

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simple question what do you think will happen becouse of global warming i think (myself) there are many things that could happen so what do you think will happen?




  1. The big industries will change their polluting practices when the consumers choose green products, in a few years they won´t have another option, they will choose to keep making money...

  2. What will happen to what?   I personally will be 10 years older in 10 years and most likely dead in 100 years.  

    The most likely thing that will happen is that the climate cycle will begin its normal reversal and a cooling cycle will return, then there will be panic  and hysteria from people like Al Gore, who are always seeking ways of remaining in the limelight, about the coming Ice Age and how use of "fossel fuels" is causing the earth to cool off and we better start doing things to warm it up.   This has already happened during the 1960s and 70s, when "concerned enviromentalists" wanted to spread dark materials on the poles so they would melt more and stop the world from becoming a frozen ball of ice.

  3. terrorist attacks- hopefully not on the u.s., earthquakes, torndaos hurricanes,etc. A non white president and a female president, world war 3, flying cars, solar powered cars,gun control laws, riots, more illegal immigration, bad tom cruise movies......

  4. The music industry will fall -sob-

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