
What do you think will happen in Cuba now?

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that Castro has resign? Do you think Cuba will

remain communist or will Cuba become a democracy?




  1. Not a whole lot is going to change. A leader doesn't step down the way Castro did after almost 50 years of rule without tieing up all loose ends.

    The only change will be the leader. The Cuban governmental framework is well established. It would take a major revolution to change it. For the most part, people in Cuba are not so unhappy they will revolt. The ones who are, live in or will come to Florida.

  2. Cuba regards itself as a democracy at the moment.

    Word is that whilst Raul was more hard-line when younger, he is more pragmatic now. It may be, like the Chinese, he sees economic reforms as a way to get the money for the military to buy the toys they want, or it may be that he doesn't get so caught up by the ideology.

    It was notable that Raul made a speech in the parliament saying how important it was to ensure that the farmers got paid on time, in order to increase food production.

  3. it'll be same as with castro, until raul croaks too

    then it might finally turn for better, maybe like the russian variant

  4. I think it will remain socialist at some level for a while, certainly until Castro's death, probably beyond.  

    I think that tourism to the US will open up, and that will encourage a more market economy, but that the economic changes will come before the political ones.

  5. His brother will probably get the position now. I hear he's more of a tyrant than Castro. I think Cuba will remain communist. It's sad really. This could be a big change for them, a new start.

  6. No one can really say, neither does anyone really know. Only time will tell.

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