
What do you think will happen the rest of the way?

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Obama's poll numbers have sank and he's pretty much in a tie with McCain or holds a slight lead due to the gullible people who fell for his predictable speech, and his wife and family's predictable demeanor, etc.

I say that after the RNC, McCain will have the lead, then slowly but surely, more women are going to warm up to McCain/Palin, then McCain is going to totally crush Obama in the nationally televised debates. Obama and his campaign will start playing the race card nonstop, it will make things even worse for him and McCain will win by a little more than Bush beat Kerry.




  1. TO sl ..I could give a hoot if there is race riots in the street. I have never seen a race riot in any neighborhood that I would live in and it seems like the only property that is destroyed is their own and other residents property ..( and than they cry racism when businesses do not build in these areas ) so bring on the riots..I will be at home watching them on TV and laughing.

  2. I hope you are right but obama will play dirty you mark my Word  and he will especially play the race card that is his only defence.

  3. Yes, McCain will win.

    Obama is inexperienced, while Biden lost early in the nomination process.

    McCain won decisively and has lots of experience, while Palin balances the ticket with governor experience and has a huge approval rating.

  4. Yes, and then riots will occur in the streets and make Rodney Kings riots look like a day at Disneyland.  Using the 'race card' was a mistake.  Race can not be used only qualifications and experience that is crucial in this case.  

  5. I love your scenario!

    I hope that it goes exactly how you explained!!

    That would be wonderful!!

  6. well anything can happen, lets just hope that our nation get a good leader, one with plenty of experience not just 147 days. what were they thinking!!! 147 days and you qualify for a presidential ticket, its crazy!!!! I sure hope your right, because those rep's got loads of class they are loaded with it, and non of them look like crazy chicago gangstas the demos are ruining this country, and nancy p"lousy is a great example of what demos can do!!!!!

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