
What do you think will happen to YA immigration site once the illegal immigration problem is solved?

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Will it fade or will the issue still provoke hearty disagreements?




  1. uh the immigration section is for people to learn how to emigrate legally not illegally.

  2. I have to agree with Lori,we will definitely see less trolls.

    I think we will have good debate on the issue and it will happen in a more civilized manner.

  3. There are a lot of people that come with legitimate questions.  I, myself, started coming here due to questions regarding our family's immigration to the States since one daughter had reached 21 yrs of age and was no longer counted as a first priority.  

    The illegal immigration problem will probably never be solved.  You hear people say they're stealing jobs.  The reverse is they're doing jobs that Americans won't or for a pay rate that Americans won't.  

    You would think by the phrasing of most of the questions the only people illegal in the country are Hispanic and the only border country the US has is Mexico.  

    We have Americans living illegally, if you will, in Canada and vice versa.  However, because Canada and the US don't need visas to visit, they can cross at any border and be accepted and not tracked by either country's immigration depts.  I know of women collecting welfare for themselves and their American sired children...and the US citizen father is living in her home, being supported by the Cdn govt and no one even knows about it.

  4. well there are other topics related to immigration other than illegal i personally care for forms and processes more than anything else

  5. The trolls will slink off into the sunset like the snakes they are.....and legitimate posters asking questions about policy and process will be the norm not the minority.

    Actually its interesting that many trolls already have slunk off ....or post less  often.  I know it is because they were embarrassed at how many times they were intellectually humiliated and decided to take their silliness elsewhere.


  6. Good people go to the immigration site 24/7 trying to learn how to get into our country LEGALLY.  It's pertinent and well used.

  7. There will always be people with questions about immigration, visas, work permits, etc.

  8. We'll get less trolls obsessed with promoting the "illegal alien agenda", changing their aliases from day to day and more serious immigration questions.

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