
What do you think will happen to a snake if God created Adam & Eve in chinese descents?

by Guest33080  |  earlier

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What do you think will happen to a snake if God created Adam & Eve in chinese descents?




  1. Whhhhaaaatttt?

  2. the snake would have been lunch.....or would have been ground up to make an aphrodisiac.

  3. In Chinese mythology and cosmology, the snake is revered sign being wise, sensitive and philosophical, though at time a bit vain regarding its appearance.

    The Chinese would also have celebrated the gift of knowledge of the duality of each each, "good/bad", "yin/yang".

    The Chinese would not have been overly concerned with a single god.

    Be well,

  4. It would have been made into "Chinese Snake Wine", and we would all still be naked and immortal. What a life.

  5. It's not a snake, it's a serpent.

    It's also not an apple!

  6. Ummm the same thing? If it IS TRUE then chances are nothing would happen diffrently, but if you ASSUME ITS REAL we dont really know what Adam & Eve MIGHT have been (race wise).

    Again, all assuming that the bible is truth, rather than a collection of stories to live your life upon.

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