
What do you think will happen to his teeth?

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My cousin has braces and hes 18 and he NEVER brushes is teeth. I've always told him he needs to brush them everyday and that it's so gross, and he goes "Well I have a cavity and it hurts when i brush my teeth." Well yeah his teeth look nasty, he has food particles stuck in his braces and on his teeth, well im done grossing you out lol.

Will his teeth look dmaaged in any way when he gets his braces off? And what do you think his orthodontist will say to him?




  1. One cavity could turn to 5 very quickly. Toothpaste is very effective with powerful inigredients that help prevent bacteria buildup and plaqgue. Having a cavity is the least of his worries if he doesn't want to brush his teeth. They will soon quickly fall out, and loose their once youthul color having spots of black. Tell ure cousin that not choosing to brush his teeth for 3 minutes twice everyday is going to mean not having a healthy smile for the rest of your life. Also, he shouldn't ignore the  bad smell in his mouth as at times it could signify his teeth is already dying. Recomend to him or her that there are toothpastes for sensitive teeth. All he has to do if take 6 minutes out of the whole day to take proper care of his teeth. Also, it seems that since your cousin isn't in the greatest condition right now with his teeth, let him stay away from excessive sweets and sodas as they cause buildup and decay very quickly. If his teeth looked damge, u would already know. However, it might take a while for the orthondist to take off the braces as he will be experiencing tremendous pain from sensitivity for not brushing the teeth. The orthondist will probably show him pictures of teeth that have been heavily detorited and tell him how important it is for him to brush his teeth. If your cousin chooses to ignore, it can lead to damaging consequences as teeth show a person's character just like hair and body, people judge u on such characteristics. I would try Ultrabright All In One by Colgate. It's only about $2.99 but it's proven to do wonders on the teeth.

  2. he'll probably say he'll have dentures by the time he's 20 if he doesn't start brushing and he rly needs to get that cavity filled!

    btw ur cuz its gross!!  

  3. he will have a lot of cavites when he gets them off and show him sum pics of wat teeth look like when braces have to come off earlier because of that and he wouldnt have that cavite if he would brush

  4. His teeth will get discolored and he will have a mouth full of cavities.... and possibly get infections or abcesses. I can't believe his orthodontist hasn't already noticed all of this and gave him heck about it !  It will be his loss and he will be really sorry when he has a mouth full of rotten teeth, what good are the braces at that point ? grosssssssss.

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