
What do you think will happen to the remains of the Titanic ??

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What do you think will happen to the remains of the Titanic ??




  1. The stern is already almost completely obliterated but the bow is still quite intact but within a few more decades the rusticles will consume the last of the iron from the steel and it will simply cave in on itself and be one big pile of scrap metal on the ocean floor.

  2. Sadly they'll be brought to the surface, ignoring the fact that the Titanic is a grave site, and bits and pieces will be sold off to the highest bidders. None of whom will be museums.

    The thing I really love is those who try to defend bringing the Titanic and it's relics up by saying they'll teach us all about how people lived in the early 1900s. If that were the case, then I expect Ballard would have been all for doing exactly that when he found her. But the fact is we've got plenty of other sources for that.

  3. I always thought she was too fragile to raise... I dunno. I guess it would be better to leave her where she is, it is a grave for thousands of people (1,517 I believe). There was a film I saw years ago, might have been called "raising the titanic", it gave me goosebumps. The main plot was they put big balloon things inside the titanic and inflated them and she came shooting out the water looking very grand indeed! I've gone a bit off topic. But to answer your question, they'll prob leave her to disintegrate. If they were gonna raise her they would have done it by now.

  4. The majority of the ship will become a red spot on the bottom of the ocean as the steel that was made of will oxidize. But some parts like the propeller which was made of bronze or the engine will stay there for ever.  

  5. it will be gone in fifty years. The metals are being eaten away.

  6. It may I explain Germany sinking England for pre-WW1 waters.

  7. It will eventually rust away into nothingness.

    It's impossible to raise the Titanic as it broke into two large pieces when it sank.  The book "Raise the Titanic" was written before they were aware of that fact (I think).

  8. given the depth of the ocean where she lays. and the enormous  cost to raise her out of the ocean. i believe it would be better to leave her where she is.  besides do you want that huge ship in your front yard?

  9. the ships remains are in the stages of advanced decay. all the natural wood is gone, eaten by the creatures of the deep. the iron and steel of the ship is being eaten away and have "rusticles" hanging from it that are very fradgle, some several feet long. the decay of the titanic has been studied by several scientests who precideted that the ship will eventually collaps on it's self and turn into a pile of rust in about 50 to 70 more years. items that were taken from the site of the sinking (deck chairs and life jackets and such) and also items taken off the bottom of the sea bed where the ship lays can be found in musiums that will last for centuries to come.

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