
What do you think will happen to the value of the US Dollar to the British Pound in the next few months?

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What do you think will happen to the value of the US Dollar to the British Pound in the next few months?




  1. Both currencies are devalueing

    The Euro is going up

  2. If I knew stuff like that I'd be living in Bermuda.

  3. It will change. the value of money will crash , this is predicted by Isiah and Nostradamus. IDK what to do about it though.

  4. History would suggest that shifts in currency values tend to keep going for awhile. Right now the trend favors the dollar.

    Of course, as they say, past performance is no guarantee of future performance.  

  5. It's going to drop , little by little .  

  6. The dollar is gaining value at the moment and it will probably continue on increasing. Remember that everything in the US is cheaper now comparing to a year ago, because it is cheaper for foreigners, many are going there to buy products, so their (US) exports are growing, the more they export the more the dollar value will increase.

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