
What do you think will happen with Colony Collapse Disorder amongst bees in the next 5 or so years?

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What do you think will happen with Colony Collapse Disorder amongst bees in the next 5 or so years?




  1. less bees

    less allergies

    less honey

  2. I haven't heard anyone comment on a projection of that but we have to be a little worried!  There are a number of significant events happening quite rapidly that have my attention, like the melting of the Artic ice cap the bee problem and nuclear build up by rogue nations and the threat of Islamic extremist.  I believe that the ice melt may seriously affect coast lines and the world economy .  I think this is a natural cycle and not a man caused global warming, but I could be wrong.  The bees, I think we have a problem there also!  With the rising cost of living, the increase of the need of food for the growing world population, its very concerning!  I wonder if other continents are have the same problem?  If they aren't that could be our hope but we need to discover what is the problem and correct it if possible!

  3. It will go away and be forgotten.

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