
What do you think will happen with energy within the next 10 years?

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I was recently asked the question what i thought would happend with energy. do you think that the US will be more depent on wind energy, nuclear energy, or solar energy or do you think we will contine on the path we are today using up all of the fossil fuels? they won't last forever!!!! thank you




  1. personally i believe we will use fossil fuels in complete denial for at least two more wars ending in world war III in which we will eventually turn to some sort of solar/electric/hybrid kind of energy but who knows how long it'll take

    a study was done on frogs, when they were put in boiling hot water they instantly jumped out, but when it was heated up slowly they stayed until they died

  2. I read many of these answers and cannot believe how incredibly naive many people are. Our society, all of civilization at this time, is dependent on the use of oil to drive the economy. We are no where near running out of oil. I am 62 and every year I have heard the sad tale we have 20 yrs

    of fossil fuel left. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are many good reasons to move away from an oil based economy; but, it is not going to happen quickly. Research into alternative energy sources is moving ahead and perhaps in the next 50 to 100 years energy will come from solar/nuclear/wind/fuel cell technologies or some other technology we have not yet found. "It is all Bush's fault." What a stupid statement. We have been using oil for over a century now and Bush has been in office for 8 years you dolt. "We don't have to use energy." Just having a fire uses energy, modern civilization would disappear without the use of energy. Now if you want to sit in the dark and chew on uncooked food while freezing to death, you just go right ahead. As a country, we need to develop more of our own resources (oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, wind, solar, cellulose based fuels, and fuel cell) and help the developing world to do the same. If we can level the energy playing field and help the third world grow economically, we can perhaps find a peaceful and prosperous world in which to live.

  3. We will need more as we become more.

  4. Solar energy all the way. And maybe some combination of wind power.

    But never nuclear, as Doc from Back to the Future always says, "the consequences are disasterous"

    First we will invent a storage energy to have energy at night when the sun isn't around, or when there isn't wind, so we can control the amount of energy needed. Germany is working on this. So many new greentech jobs right now, and it's expanding. It will take over the market once our federal government acknowledges in renewing the solar energy incentives this year.

  5. we don't need energy and all that..but its easier

  6. This is all Bush's fault.

    I think solar energy will come in and take over.

    Apple Iphones already starting to use it, so yeah.

  7. I think we will respond well.  Every time our nation has faced diversity we come out swinging.  We responded to the Russians ny putting a man on the moon(in 10 years).  If we devote ourselves to conserving what we have and partner with the government to set up subsides to make it affordable we can do it,  

    Rah Rah go USA!  Sorry I know some of that sounded corny.

  8. We will continue to use up all the oil we can get our hands on. Change is hard. Solar and some forms of wind / wave are being developed. These sources will get stronger in the next 10 years as businesses find they can make money selling the products powered by them. Buy Green and vote with your wallet. The leaders will follow, they always have. " There goes my group, I must run to catch up with them and lead them" {Uncited} politician?

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