
What do you think will herald the new American revolution?

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Or do you think that finally, we the people, will be crushed into dust by the ruling class?

Or will it be somehow possible to wrest the reigns of power from those that cannot determine right from wrong because of the corruption that power brings?

Must we edge ourselves towards actually TRYING to fulfill the "prophesies" of Revalations? Isn't it insane to really TRY to bring on the apocalypse when if God existed he would need no help to make it happen?




  1. Hehe...Now here is a real question! Nice! First of all I like the fact that you asked "what..." you didn't ask "will' there be another revolution, you asked, rather; what will spark this 'inevitable' revolution. Meaning; there will be a revolution, we just don't know what will 'herald' or bring it. I like that, this is a concept very rarely thought about in society today, I think that this i idea should be exposed as a central theme in public discussion boards today, not so much the idea as to what should bring the next American revolution, rather what should we be doing to change those aspect of our nation and government as a federal institution to prevent Americas' downfall and keep us as a free first world nation. Wow, I had no idea others thought the same...nice. So who exactly are you? Dr. Bob? Is this posed as a rehtorical question or do you believe in possible change? Many think that a second revolution will be brought about be the animosities between strong conservatives and active 'liberals', I don't think so...but who knows. Others think its between the upper and lower classes, I don't know if thats the case either. I think, rather, between 'freedom fighters' and those who seek to keep their 'concrete' positions of power in politics today, either way...its a war that won't be won on the first battle or on the 21st battle, i'm not sure what I mean by battle...could it be brute force, intellectual war, cyber war, etc, i'm not sure. I'd like to talk more...

  2. When Americans can no longer watch TV and buy food. But, it will be to late by then . We've been dumbed down so bad . I petty the rest of the world for it will fall next.

  3. Once they take our guns we,er doomed [ remember 1939 Germany]

  4. "Or do you think that finally, we the people, will be crushed into dust by the ruling class?"


    The revolution is progressing as scheduled.  Its not a "we the people" revolution, more like a Bolshevik take-over.

    Check back after the next financial collapse.

  5. ain't' no thing as revolution its got another name called evolution.

    ok i think environmental problems will leave government in the dust - the government is pretty much non functioning.

    we have not had direction in a long time and are still going on about our daily bussiness.

  6. America will be torn apart like every other great power. Race or religion.

  7. the revolution is happening babe its a Ron Paul revolution

    time to take back America

  8. Sorry pal, but I am drug free, self employed, a gun owner and have all of my rights intact.

    If God wants to end it all, that's one thing.

    You wanting to do it, just because you're dissatisfied is something entirely different.

  9. The gap between the "ruling class" and the "people" is widening as we watch. If this continues, the p**p will hit the fan at some point.

  10. There will be no revolution, as evidenced by the widespread apathy here and everywhere else.

    I know about what is going on. But I am not going to do anything about it. All I am going to do is eat and drink healthy and try to enjoy my life, and hope that my generation or my kids' generation isn't the one that suffers from the inevitable world genocide that will occur once there is One World Socialist Government.

    Yeah, ignorance is bliss, and it is an option.

  11. Taxes. When taxes and prices reach a critical point, the people will revolt.

  12. What makes you think there will be one?

    The world is so big, there are plenty of places to

    hide and be free and happy.   Let them destroy


  13. As long as people are content with bread and circuses then true change will not happen, but there doesn't necessarily have to be revolution. The government was set up so that if you do not like the direction it is going then you can change it. If the majority of the population think one way and you another I support your right to speak up, but not to start a revolution.

  14. When people start losing their homes or cars because they get a lien put on them for back taxes.   Meaning when the taxes are so high people can no longer live the "American dream"  the people will start to rebel.  

    One simple way would be for people to refuse to send in income tax forms.  If enough people do it,  the government would catch on.

  15. All the people will succumb to the will of the Government.....we have been generation by generation been made the servents of government!

  16. Attempts to form or join a NAU will be the sign that the people are sick and tired of government selling them out and will be the beginning of the revolution.  No action against illegals by the government is also a very sore spot to the public.  We could see a revolution in our lifetime.

  17. Why do you think their will be one?  I mean, if you think their is, you must have a lot of free time.  Most working people are too busy to think about starting a revolution; that stuff is for college kids.

  18. Here is the problem with your thesis: the vast majority of the poorest people in the United States live a lifestyle that is far above the standard of living of 90% of the world population.

    While you may resent that some people have been able to create great wealth that ability to create great wealth is what has driven the economic prosperity that the citizens of the United States enjoy. Compared to the billions of people living in squalor in China, Africa and India we have no poor people.

    The poor in the U.S. do not resent the wealthy they wish to be the wealthy and unlike the vast majority of the world the opportunity to become wealthy exists here in the United States. Don't believe me... exactly how wealthy were Bill Gates' parents or Steve Jobs' or Alex Rodgriuez's. The fact that success is not easy to achieve or that you envy others does not justify the destruction of the Constitution of the United States by violent revolution!

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