
What do you think will solve these astronomical gas prices?

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Gas prices have soared to a record high this week in Mississauga Ontario Canada it is $1.37/L this is absolutely ridiculus im outraged!




  1. Drill here drill now pay less... Taxes never made anything lower....    increase in supply will lower the prices.. remember supply and demand.    and while we are drilling we can look into some other source of power for our cars.. Ii like hydrogen the best right now.. you can use the internal combustion engine with minor modifications.

  2. Right now, it looks like the best solution is to switch to a fuel that isn't petroleum based. A lot of people say "Start walking or riding your bike to work," but that just isn't realistic.

    Science seems to be leaning toward using hydrogen. Switching to hydrogen isn't as far-fetched as we thought just a couple of years ago. Honda is coming out with a fuel cell vehicle in the near future. Also, one of the plants where I live has already converted its entire forklift fleet to run on hydrogen fuel cells.

  3. Its obvious that speculators and oil companies are keeping prices up.

    They say its because of countries like Brazil, India, and Russia becoming industrialized. This is obviously a lie because they have been progressing for years. Its not like  they are using twice as much oil overnight.

    Basically find the people responsible and the prices will drop.

  4. Get used to it, they will continue to go up. and up.

    Supply and demand: we are running out of oil and 100s of millions of Indians and Chinese now want autos.

  5. carpet bomb the middle east and take the oil for ourselves

  6. The good times are over. China and India have both started to become modernized, and the raw energy output both nations require to deal with 3 billion people is astronomical.

    Don't bother being outraged. It's the natural result of propping up our quality of life with cheap foreign labour. Eventually, they're going to stop being cheap.

    Food prices are going to continue to rise because of the same forces -- Nitrogen based fertilizer is created using fossil fuels. Plastics are going to become more expensive -- most plastics are created using crude oil. Metals are going to become more expensive -- Fossil fuels are used in every process of mining, smelting, and casting.

    The baby boomers are going to retire, and they're leaving you and me with a big mess. It's going to be a very difficult life compared to those who came before us.

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