
What do you think would be a good musical for an up and coming school theatre club, mainly girls?

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There are very few guys in my school willing to act, even fewer willing to sing, but we all really wish to do a musical. If you could just point me in the right direction, hopefully a comedy or the like, and where to buy the scripts.




  1. If you're looking for a show with many female roles and many fewer male roles, I would suggest Bye Bye Birdie.

    Though in all honesty, girls are usually very flexible actors, and (most) do not mind dressing as men (Though you need a few men for tenor and bass!)

  2. a really great musical to do is Godspell

  3. i would do something like Little Women, it is a musical with a lot of female roles.

  4. Robyn Hood is a musical for middle school aged girls, all but one of the main parts are for girls (but we did that part with a girl anyway)

    Its pretty much the story of Robin Hood, re-written for girls. It has some great songs and some really funny moments. There are alot of opportunities for dancers as well. It was written by Dr Reynolds, and I'm sure you could by the scripts through him over the internet.

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