
What do you think would be more fun?...?

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Living in San Diego, and surfing on the weekends, or living in a European city such as Paris, and traveling to differant countries on the weekends?




  1. probably in and everywhere...better to be in a lot of place than to surf..(for me)

    nyway..choose whatever suits your interrests...^^

  2. I would try to get the best of both worlds.  Live in a European city and experience all the culture that traveling around Europe has to offer and tie in surf trips to my travels.  There are great spots in Spain, France, Portugal, England, and the Canaries.  There obviously is some solid surf over there.  The ASP has an event in both France and Spain and the WQS has 12 or so events all over Europe.

  3. Neither...

    I live in San Diego, surf 5-7 days a week.  I'd vacation in Europe for a bit, travel to different countries, surf in as many locations as I could, then head back home... eventually.

    If you stay in one place and never visit anywhere, you aren't living life.  You have to see other cultures in person, not just what is shown on TV.  If everyone went by what's on TV, the US should be the fittest and least obese country in the world, but we all know that's not true.  No one in the US should ever live in a bubble.  It's a great country, but not the only country in the world... that's including Hawaii and Alaska.

    There's more to life than partying, watching TV, and getting wasted.

    The best things in life aren't things.

  4. it doesn't really matter where you are. it's the people you're with. if you have a good companion, then it doesn't mattter whcih one you choose

  5. Europe is definately culturally/architechturally bad**s, San Diego is perfect weather always.. both are filled with beautiful people, (you know who the tourists are in france ((FAT).., San Diego's usually a little more expenisive, but overall Europe, because probably being an American, San Diego can happen anyday, a lot of Europe is better experienced when young, jobless/in school), and some of it is already going underwater.. and most here know pretty much what your gonna get with the San Diego experience

  6. surfing in san diego because its cheaper and its just way better

  7. i would love to live in europe

  8. For myself it would be neither.  I would never want to live in So. Cal, and Europe is even worse.  It's crowded beyond capacity, polluted beyond belief, and the threat of terrorism is high because of the proximity of the middle east. Take me home to the land of paradise!

  9. none. of the above

    living in hawaii and surf all year. born and raised and neva movin

  10. I live in Paris in the shcool year and Cali in the summer. Then every other year, I switch (cali-school and Paris-summer) I am home-scooled so I don't have to switch schools. The yare both fun fun fun but Paris has better shopping!

  11. Traveling gets old.  After you have traveled enough, then what?  San Diego is awesome.  I live in So. Cal and would be hard pressed to ever leave.

  12. i live in birmingham, so every weekend i go down to either gulf shores or St. Augistine, Flordia to surf. St. Augistine has pretty sweet waves. Ive surfed the gold coast once, that was real fun.

  13. at age 20, both very appealing. After 5 yrs of either, the other will be appealing.

    one for reason of muscle pain, the other boredom.

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