
What do you think would be the best laptop for me?

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I'm 16 in early October and my mum says I can have a laptop this year, and so I want to know which one to get. I have looked on some websites but I'm a bit confused by all the computer terms to tell the truth...

What I would like is a laptop that can hold a lot of music and word documents and run probably 4 or 5 programs at once. Also I would use it mainly for school work but am hoping that also I could use it to go on the internet and msn. And I want one that will still be good in a few years so I can take it to uni and not have to buy another laptop in 3 years time. I am not too bothered about looks or size but I suppose rather smaller than bigger if possible. And as it would be a present I do not have a budget, but for the sake of my parents, I would rather if it could be at the cheaper end of the spectrum too?

Finally, I have seen PC World adverts about intel duo core processers, are they a good thing? Is it worth getting one of them?

I hope this makes sense...thank you!!!




  1. Well if you wanna use it mainly for school work I suggest the eee pc.

    They're awesome they can easily multi task and have everything you will need for school, and they're cheap I bought mine for £160 at

    but it hasn't got much memory, but the newer versions e.g 1000 or 1001 series are much faster with 80gb hard drives and have intel centrino atom inside. Mine is a 701 series in intel mobile. But I can take it to school, and it won't break, looks awesome ultra-fast boot up and shut down. And I can go on MSN while googling something and typing something up on word. IT'S AWESOME! If your not tempted look at the acer range they also so ultra mobile laptops and loads of laptops perfect for teenagers. My whole family have an acer laptop each. Their fast cheap and reliable.

    p.s if you get an ee pc it only has 4gb of storage, the newer ranges have like 80gb, bu if you get a 4gb or 8gb version, you can easily hook up your ipod and play your music off there using your ipod as an external hard drive, I do it all the time. So it saves you the hassle of transfering music everywhere.

  2. sony fw. it's really, really good.

    you're going to get many answers about macs, but i'm typing on one right now. i can't say i hate it, but i don't think it's worth the $1400 for a blacbook.

    core 2 duos have better battery life and performance than core duos, so i'd say it's worth it.

    i can't tell where you're from, so I'm assuming the united kingdom.

    if not, look for a sony fw with 2.26 processor, 2 gb of memory, and a 250gb hard drive. should suit you well, and any computer store will know what you mean.

  3. Ok if u want it for school and music etc.... U should get a Toshiba Satellite or an HP pavillion. Of those two i would choose the toshiba. A 15.4'' screen should be fine. Also get one that has at least 2GB of RAM (memory). At least 200GB of hard drive. I'm sorry to tell u this but computers get better and better each time. So lets say that u buy a new computer this day, in a year or so it would be cheap compare to whatever they have then. So if u have that laptop for 3 years, it's not going to be really good for the uni.  

  4. I have a Dell and love it and not that expensive.In the Consumer magazine the ratings on the Dell has  shot right up . I don't have any problems  with it.  

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