
What do you think would happen if a ghost walked through electricity?

by Guest33810  |  earlier

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This isn't exactly like the other question. Do you think it's image would show up clearer if it was inside the electricity?I don't mean to electrocute a ghost...I mean...scientifically, what do you think would happen. (If you're a don't have to believe in ghosts...just pretend. If ghosts were real..what would they be made of? Would it show up in electricity?) Would it affect it?




  1. it will die again and haunt even more

  2. Ghosts are made of ectoplasm, which happens to have a natural negative charge. As we all know, a stream of protons (positive charge) is able to subdue a ghost long enough to contain it. If the ghost is not contained quickly enough it will redevelop it's net negative charge. It is thus assumed that it is in fact the negative energy which gives them a corporeal form.

    Why do ghosts not attract enough electrons to obtain a more corporeal form? There are two possible explanations:

    1. Their method of drawing electrons is not strong enough to overcome the electromagnetic force within

    2. Ectoplasm has a natural negative balance that must be maitained

    When you add an electric current (negative charge) to the already negative ectoplasm, there are two different results based on the above circumstances.

    Under the assumption that it is the method which prevents them from obtaining power, the electric current would "pump" them with negative energy and perhaps permanently bring them closer to our plane.

    Under the second assumption, the negative current would flow through them, possibly making them more visible for a few moments, but they would soon revert to their natural state. This explanation works better considering the know results of proton streams and the fact that we haven't been swallowed by the underworld yet.

    I apologize that I could not incorporate the apparent moral degradation of society since the advent of electricity, but it was outside the scope of this analysis.

    edit : speilng

  3. It would get a Spooktacular Shock ;)

    If some of the ideas about ghosts needing energy to make themselves visible are correct it would allow it to manifest itself more clearly.

    Of course there is always too much of a good thing so how much is enough and what is too much would be a tricky question.

    Also, with a high enough field people might not be able to trust their own observations and equipment would probably start to malfunction.

    I suppose you could film through a Faraday cage to protect the equipment.


  4. I believe spirit energy needs electrical energy to manifest and get around just like we need food to think and function. I think the electrified spirit would grow stronger and be more able to directly communicate with humans as an apparition or with telepathic means. People who have had MRI's have reported this along with many other phenomina while under strong electromagnetic fields.

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