
What do you think would happen if states and cities stopped providing ALL welfare immediately?

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What do you think would happen if states and cities stopped providing ALL welfare immediately?




  1. Crime would skyrocket, children would be malnourished and starving, we would look like a third world country. Older people would not be able to eat and would become sick, illness would be rampant and the death rate would be extremely high and other countries would not help the US like we do for all these countries. The fit would survive, as would the hard workers and people with moral, ethics and responsibility the rest would be weeded out and society would have a chance to be great again. Other countries that do not have welfare have little crime, and all people work and work hard unlike the US where people expect to be taken care of fed, clothed, etc.

  2. There would be a lot more crime and survival instinct would kick in

  3. crime would drastically increase...because of the "have" and the "have nots"....ppl who dont have money will go to stores, houses, and wutever other place they believe has money and steal from them...some ppl would have a total meltdown..some ppl that are on welfare ACTUALLY need it...what if you lost your job to and unexpected downsizing of your company...and you HAD to be on welfare for a couple months...wouldnt this put your back against the wall a bit?

  4. It would be utter chaos, if not anarchy. There'd be a lot more homeless on our streets, more abused and abandoned children, a rise in prostitution and more crime...and a very strong chance of the return of "bread/food rioting", if not all out guerrilla/street warfare!  

    A study of history will show you that's what has happened in the past in places all over the world and in various centuries, and it will happen again if a "dole" or jobs aren't provided.

    However, it might also be an opportunity for private philanthopists and faith based charitable organizations to get out there and provide aid and assistance to those in need...and not be limited to the governments rules as to who is or is not "deserving."

  5. Riots but maybe that would get their lazy butts to work.

  6. That would really suck for the people that really need it.

  7. We'd witness the American version of Bastille Day.

  8. You would have riots and protests all over . Crime would reach an all time high. Children would begin to go to bed hungry. You would also see that the stereotype of blacks being the only ones on welfare isn't true, you would see that more whites use welfare than anyone.

  9. Well, seeing as how the government hasn't given me welfare since about...never, it wouldn't really affect me. But I'm pretty sure that everyone else who does receive help would be pretty mad. Not to mention the fact that it's a bit unconstitutional since this is what the government is here for, to provide and protect our rights and all that bull.  

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