
What do you think would happen if the King of England was a bachelor, and announced that he was g*y?

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Presuming he has no children, there would likely be no succession issues.

But what would the Church do? How would the public react?

As we all know, g*y marriage is perfectly legal in the UK, and the C of E is also moving slowly towards allowing the blessing of same s*x unions.

So it might not be all that big of a deal. And the British people are actually pretty open minded too.

What do you think?




  1. Kings do not make such announcements, instead they marry create an heir and carry on with their private lives.

  2. The king could never 'marry' a man since there are no same s*x marriages in Britain, only civil partnerships. You are right that he could not be prevented from having a same s*x partnership, under EU Human Rights law. It was this law which enabled Charles and Camilla to have a civil marriage despite laws on the statute books saying royals could only have church weddings. A lot of people would be unhappy if he announced it but he could probably continue to serve out his reign.

  3. well then he could be both a King AND a Queen couldn't he?

  4. I think he would receieve a lot of criticism but that he would keep his crown.  However, I don't think he's be allowed to marry a man - there's just too many people who find it improper, even if its legal.  In 1937 parliament decided that Edward VIII could not remain king if he married a twice divorced American.  Edward abdicated and got married.

  5. He might have to move to the tower!

  6. I think he would be forced to abdicate

  7. For this question, first, we need to clarify when this king at the throne was because the social value and importance of a king would be different and changing from time to time. To me, a king is another ordinary human being but just born as a child of elder king or queen. For the survival, growth, and continuation of king's family, a manipulated, deceited system was already well designed, rationalized and established to "assure" its indefinite existence if possible. Therefore, there would always be another one person on the line to aasume the throne. And the existing king will still continue his position until some form of revolution takes place to force a change in political structure. To understand and figure out what may happen at learning the king's situation,  please visit for more detail.

  8. And from what planet do we owe for producing you.  I love nutters but you take the biscuit because you are being serious are you?

  9. He would have to abdicate, the throne would go to the closest male relative.

  10. I don't think it's about the legality of the king marrying another man (after all, what would the consort's title be?  Queen?)

    I think it's a case of tradition.  I think he would probably marry just out of tradition, and probably try to procreate, then leave the mother alone to discreetly follow his own desires, as she would, as well.  History is peppered with similar situations:  a prince of France who was openly g*y (2 or 300 years ago).  King Charles II, who managed to father something like 15 illegitimate children, but none with his wife.  (I don't suppose they ever slept together.)  King of Castilla who clearly didn't father the two children who fought for his throne when he died.

    Lots of similar situations.


    It would be dealt with.

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