
What do you think you have more of, knowledge or wisdom?

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  1. If you have more(too much) knowledge & wisdom then you would have to face more enemies. Only  very few persons of your equal knowledge & wisom would appreciate.For Example Dr Parleman,a noted mathematician has refused  in 2006 to take prize equal to Noble Prize due to the fact his area of Abstract mathematics has no public interest. Very few persons in the world have supported his truthfull  act & honesty.After doing work he came to the conclusion that such said work has no public interest. On the otherhand,see wherein such works have public interest but nobody bother such work. thanks & great day.

  2. Wisdom,!!

  3. Basic wisdom  I seem to have .Basic knowledge I Have.I feel I have more of basic wisdom than basic knowledge.

    I differentiate between the two , in my own way. I think that  for me to lead an uncomplicated , simple life I need only wisdom. But , if I want to live well with more worldly  comforts I need to aquire knowledge.

  4. I prefer madness.

    Knowledge can never be complete.  Wisdom can never be fully achieved.

    "He stood up straight and looked the world squarely in the fields and hills. To add weight to his words he stuck the rabbit bone in his hair. He spread his arms out wide. `I will go mad!' he announced."  ~ Douglas Adams (Life, The Universe and Everything)

  5. Knowledge - well actually experience if I am honest.

    If I were truly wise I'd stop being such an idiot!

  6. Well i would say knowledge as i ain't got a clue what wisdom means, is wisdom to do with rligion?  

  7. ...if i had any one of the two, i would be glad...

    ...i learn from mistakes and not getting what i want from lack of knowledge & wisdom..:(

    ...thanks for asking...

  8. How I wished I had wisdom...  The truth is, I have not yet managed to get there for Knowledge is the faculty of the brain and Wisdom, the faculty of The Heart!!

  9. Wisdom! I suppose because I've learnt more from my mistakes then I have from my school years. :)

  10. knowledge

  11. knowledge by far you have to be aged and experienced to be wise to be wise you have to make mistakes to be knowledgable you  just have to remember what your told

  12. Wisdom.

    Much more useful.

  13. To tell u the truth i believe we have more knowledge than widom. knowledge is someting that is taught to us by other people while wisdom is someting that life teaches us. We are blessed with knowledge from the day we are born. We are taught colors, numbers, or abc, ect. from our parents and thru out life we are intruduced to other people who build that knowledge and teach us more each day. We become wise thru lifes lessons. Our wisdom comes with old age, the older we get the wiser we become. That is becaue with each year there comes more obsitcals, heartbreaks, victories and defeats and with each of these that we overcome we become wiser and learn how to handle each day better.

  14. what a strange question.

    do you have more money or more hair ?

    you can not compare knowledge with wisdom you can not say wich you have more of.

  15. One needs knowledge to acquire wisdom and one needs wisdom to acquire knowledge.

    So I have a good balance of both. :)  

  16. Knowledge. I have read a lot, went to college and watch documentaries. However, I am not always as wise as I would like to be.

  17. wtf is the difference?

    like books knowledge, or smart wisdom? well, while all of u guys anwswer, leave the dumb blonde not knowing wut the h**l the question even is

  18. I have a pile of knowledge, if I had a pile of wisdom I would not have made so many dumb mistakes.

  19. Wisdom!

    I am clever for my age but I just think I'm better at lifes' problems than math problems.

  20. wisdom

  21. Wisdom cannot be more or less...It just is...or not. Knowledge is not a wisdom at all means..why compare? With presence of wisdom knowledge no more...

  22. Knowledge, I haven't yet managed to put the plethora of random facts into practice.

  23. One can only gain wisdom through knowledge, and one can only gain knowledge through understanding.  So I would say more knowledge but hey I'm working on the wisdom part.

  24. I have the knowledge to know how to use the wisdom .

    And the wisdom to use it wisely.(sometimes)

  25. Wisdom i have been through lots of thing:rape,child abuse, divorce,cheating,death of more pepole that i can count,all in all i now know how to reack better to tough situations and i thank god for my wisdom!

  26. knowledge.. not wisdom because i have not had enough life experiences to gather wisdom

  27. ive got a great general knowledge for my age anyway :]

    im not wise in anyway though. clumbsy stupid + careless

  28. It's a toss-up. I don't know, I would guess knowledge, because wisdom usually comes with age, although people can have some wisdom if they're young, as long as they're smart and/or serious.

  29. I have more knowledge because I am still in school. I am not an old, wise guy yet. I am still learning so my knowledge is greatly increasing. When my school years are over, my wisdom will develop and take over my knowledge. So, for now, I have more knowledge than wisdom.

  30. knowledge...because I am young and went to college but am too young to say I have a lot of wisdom.

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