
What do you think you will regret not having done,due to internet procrastination,when you go to bed tonight?

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What do you think you will regret not having done,due to internet procrastination,when you go to bed tonight?




  1. I was supposed to clean the kitchen, when my mom wakes up, I'll have h**l to pay.

  2. Not spending more time with family, cats and friends. Also I could have gone out somewhere and made more use of the time doing something more interesting.

  3. Rest of my weekly physics assignment /  the rest of my history notes / maths revision for test / weekly chemistry assignment / english paragraphs.

    Meh it aint gonna happen anyway -- I've done 5 hrs homework today already and all ive managed to do is most of my history notes and most of the maths revision and some of the physics.

    Im pretty much stuffed and have given up -- its coming up to final exams and i have got a crazy amount of tests/homework, which for some reason my teachers think i have the time to complete.

  4. Actually, I think this time I spend on here is kind of healthy. I don't spend that much time here and I enjoy it.  

  5. my english assessment.

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