
What do you think?[VIDEO]?

by  |  earlier

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these are 2 videos from a few months ago of me and my horse jumping. there are some others under my account, so you can see if ive improved at all...

tell me what you think.

thanks x




  1. K well...

    I think you shoud try and keep the pony in a canter because this way he will become more fit and respond to your leg more. You want to whisper a command(give a command that they can beerly feel) and your horse to shout a reply(respond very quickly) which will eventually come from getting him to canter. Try doing trot to halt transitions (which you can do be squeasing with your thigh and knee-A horse has muscles underneath where your knee and thigh rest- when you squease with your knee and thigh the horse eventually will stop -also when you sit completely still)

    Shorten your reins so you have more control and he doesn't drift.

    Remember to give with the reins don't keep them still move them about 5cm up the neck when jumping this will make your horse want jump more because he wont  be getting jabbed in the mouth!

    Things to remember=

    Shorten the reins

    Give with the reins when going over jump

    Keep horse cantering

    Heels down

    Don't thump in the saddle after the jump

    Look up

    and keep your hands still-you want the line from your

    elbow->Hands->Down the reins-> to the bit!

    HOpe I have helped

  2. Fantastic!

    What a nice calm round, for a pony that can get speedy you are doing so well.

    I like your lower leg position, it stays nicely on at the girth and doesn't slide back when you are jumping.

    I could see a huge improvement in your second video. You are getting into a nice rhythm, and starting to really go forward with your pony.

    Unlike the others I liked your arm position, for your level you've got a good hold on your reins to quickly turn your pony either way.

    Some of the children at our pony club would love to be able to ride as good as you - and have such a nice pony to ride.

    Well done, keep up the grand effort!!!!

    ps. lots of the things mentioned above just improve in time. When your pony has confidence that you are going with her all of the time. And as you get confidence that your horse is not going to carry you away.

  3. ummm intresting maby bend your elbows more and give your horse more of a rales and slow in down abit and be more organisd then youl look better.

    nice horse:)

  4. you need to collect your horse i saw in one jump there that he was about a stride to long befor the jump and it completely through you off your seat.

    You have a good seat and as far as your horse go's ur lucky you have a forward mover but you do need to teach him to collect him self because he looks sloppy.

    i would suggest going to c a trainer or go and get some leasons to improve you could go a long way and i can see that practice makes perfect. your horse just needs a little training and you will be fine.

    your still young so if your just jumping around at home or with friends or what ever i wouldnt really worry about it. you could joina local pony club too as they are good ways to learn while haveing lots of fun with firends,

    keep up the good work and keep having fun.

  5. I couldn't find the other videos.

    Your seat is looking pretty good most of the time. Just be sure you give her her head for the landing. You don't want her to feel the bit snap in her mouth. I only saw that on a couple of the jumps.

    Anyway, I'm a western rider and never ride English, so I don't have the context to judge on your form too much. Just on what I know must be the same in either style.

    Looks like you were having fun, and that's one of the most important parts. :)

  6. they did noty fit so i couldnt see them sorry

  7. That's a pretty pony you're riding :-)

    I think you look really good going over the jumps themselves.  You don't do anything dramatic - you just get out of your pony's way.  it look like you're giving her a generous amount of rein so she has a happy mouth.  I think you have a nice post (a lot of people work very hard, but it looks like you're doing a minimal-enegery post, which is good).

    I see your toes drifting down and your heels drifting up over some jumps.  You look like you're working very hard with your upper body, like you're trying to make your horse canter by pumping with your shoulders.  is your horse a little bit sluggish?  I know that I sometimes pump when i'm having a hard time going.  I'd suggest you work on keeping those shoulders still (I pumped alot until reccently).  the way my trainer taught me was she had me hold the reins in one hand and pull my butt to the saddle with my other hand hooked around the cantle.

    And also - I barely saw your lower legs move the whole time, i thought that looked really nice.

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