
What do you thnik of when you think of Germany?

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My class is doing international flags and things connected so what do you think.




  1. quality cars

    great eyeglasses

    n***s and hitler (can't help it)



  2. Lived there for 15 years. The people , they food , the cleanliness, and the beautiful country was great.

  3. Oh man, where to begin? Beer (in particular hefeweizen), Chocolate, Christmas markets, BERLIN, the cold war, divided germany, the protestant reformation, lederhosen, WWII/National Socialism & all that entails, Prussian militarism, environmental awareness, Brezeln (big soft pretzels), punctuality, Oktoberfest, Football (as in soccor), the Iron Cross, Otto von Bismarck.

    And for some history on the flag: The current banner of black, red and gold was adopted around 1848 by civil liberals. Previously, the empire's flag had been red and white. However, during the occuption of Napolean (much earlier), the Germany army cleverly rotated people in and out of training, so while they were only allowed a certain number of soldiers at each time, they managed to train quite a lot of people around Berlin, so when the time was right they rose up in the "War of Liberation" as it's referred to in German history. The banner of the army unit was red, black and gold. So later, in the late 1840s when liberals rose up demanding a parlimentary form of government, the new "civil guard" adopted the banner which celebrated the bravery and success of the Berliners/Germans who ousted Napoleon. Today's current flag design stems from these events

  4. My mom and all the people I left their.

  5. The bitter cold, the dark and of course Hitler and suffering. And of my grandfather who is a German Jew

  6. Beer,Schweinebraten.BMW.Beauty........

  7. I think of mid evil towns, pretzels, green trees, historic towns, large churches. Such a beautiful country full of such rich history.

  8. Terrific beer,friendly people,beautiful scenery and the autobahn.

  9. I lived in Germany for 3 years.  I loved it.  The things I think of are the Kris Kindle Markt.  If you don't know what that is:  It's an open air art and craft fair that takes places a couple of weeks before Christmas.  You can walk around to the different booths and buy handmade gifts.  They also sell something called Gluhwine (not sure if I spelled it right) but it's hot red wine in a cup and a cinnamin stick in it.  

    I also think of the beer they served at the fests and the women who served it.  

    For the most part, the German people were friendly.  I had a Turkish girlfriend when I was there.  I think of the wonderful architecture and all the history that was there.  

    I think of the cobblestone streets, the little shops that I would find off the beaten path, never to find again after telling my friends and taking them back there...

    I think about all the walks in the rain I would take with my girlfriend in the summer.  My friends and I would go camping along the river that ran through town.  We would build a campfire and sit around and eat and drink beer all night.  

    We had a very good time in Germany and I still have many friends there.

  10. my homeland (Heimat)


    good life

    Goethe, Schiller,Mann,Heine,Hesse,Schoppenhauer,




    Friedrich II,Bismark, Wilhelm II,Hitler,Adenauer,Brandt,Schmidt

  11. Great liberal country. Many nice cities and historical buildings. Mountains, lakes, rivers, forest. Smart people. Making the best and good cars. Friendly multicultural people. History (except Hitler) great. Good food, the most population traveling all over the world. Doing so much and planing so many stuff for Global Warming. Exporting they are the # 1.

  12. hamburg (spent some time there)

    german engineering (especially cars)

    punctuality and reliability

    diverse landscape

    open minded people...

    ...with an occasionally weird, yet good sense of humour...! (from my british perspective, anyway.)

    and last but not least: i think of my girlfriend too, as she's half german.

  13. Oktoberfest in Munich, sausages and Milka chocolate :-)) And then cute red Z4 roadster on speed limit free highway..

  14. Home

  15. Warsteiner bier and HB cigarettes

  16. I think of German Engineering.  BMWs, Mercedes, and Porsche to name a few.

    I think of the language and how its one of the most complicated in the world to learn.

    And lastly, i think of Dirk Nowitzki!  One of the best players in the NBA today.

  17. Parkbrau Piminator



    Pommes Frites with mayo and ketchup....<shiver>

    Cola-bier (yes coke with bier.....)

    The old Ching-Ching TV show with the 90% naked chicks.... on regular broadcast tv.... way cool to a young American!

    The openness of their society compared to America...

    And finally - Asbach, Dracula and plum schnapps - none of them consumable but each one of them makes for one hades of a drunk...

  18. Cleanliness.  Low crime.  Beer.  Scenery.

  19. Beer

  20. s**y ice eyed guys with hot accents. I wish I had a German guy!

  21. 1. The beautiful Rhine river and boat trips up and down the river.

    2. The huges stadium at Nuremburg

    3. The Oktoberfest in Munich

    4. The Lorelei mermaid

    5. The Danube River and the classical music about the river

    6. Hiking clubs

    7. beer...the Germans drink more beer than anyone.

    8. The Autobahn highway where there is no speed limit

    9. Daimler-Benz-Mercedes and  Volkswagen cars

    10. The fall of the Berlin Wall

    11. the birthplace of Protestantism under Martin Luther

    12. the Alps in southern Germany and the Zugspitze, the highest mountain

    13. Lederhosen (leather pants) for men  in Bavaria and dirndl  dresses for women

    14. Hundreds of different kinds of sausge (called Wurst)

    15. sauerkraut

    16. WWII and the n**i government

    17. the Thirty Years' War when most of the men were killed in war

    18. Apple strudel (Apfelstrüdel)

    19. the famous Christkindelmarkt (open-air markets) at Christmas time that sell Stollen (rolls of fruit cake) and Christmas decorations

    20. Mrs. Schroeder, the female chancellor of Germany. She is the German "president."

  22. I'm german,and i know all!

    we love :



    hot dogs

    leather short






    my mansions

    my pool

    my garden





  23. The family and friends I left behind when moving to another country.

  24. Beer




    The Alps




  25. Best quality cars


    Clean country


    Great architecture



    Till Lindemann - surely the most gorgeous man in the World

  26. BEER!!

    Good Food!

    Lots a white people.

    Dudes in Capris, whats up with that!

  27. I think of the German International football team, for I'm a particular fan of theirs, and captain Ballack... They got really close to winning FIFA last time...

    I think of my father, in his youth, in black and white photos, when he toured Germany ages before I was born.

  28. oktoberfest




    the nurwischenstein (sp?) castle --that castle disney based disneylands off of.


  29. Great Beers


    Good Breads

    Porsche, BMW and Mercedes cars

    Frederick the Great

    Michael Schumacher (the Great)

    Berlin Wall

    Berlin Air LIft

    Weimar Republic

    WW 1 & WW 2

    Heidi Klum (!!!)


    Friendly People

  30. my home

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