
What do you thnk about the Edwards issue??

by  |  earlier

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I mean he was revier in the running so what about it noe, just another Dem act, to prolong the whole thing?




  1. When he was running with John F. Kerry, he, Kerry and Kerry's wife Teresa all called Mrs. Edwards fat and dumpy.  No one makes a big deal about that, then she is stricken with breast cancer.  He is such a slime, I too feel so sorry for Mrs. Edwards.  She deserves better.

  2. Lynch or tar and feather him and be done with it. There are more newsworthy things.

  3. I feel badly for Mrs Edwards.  I hope that she and her husband find some peace and resolution.   Other than that, its nobodies business but theirs.  

  4. I really don't care. They are on the other side of the country a 1000 miles away. I don't see them every day, I don't go to their church, or live in their neighborhood. They really aren't that important to me any which way.

    It's their business and it can stay that way. I won't go out of my way to find out anything more.

  5. The only one that he owes an apology to is his wife and children. Elizabeth has to forgive him not me

  6. I think he must be out of his mind!.... He was out of his mind first of all to run for president when his wife has cancer and second of all because he has a love child out there. Are there no limits to how screwed up these guys can get? We need a woman president.

  7. very disappointed in the man

  8. if he had been found out sooner, Hillary would be the nominee right now..think about that..

  9. It is private business between him and his wife. Leave them alone.

  10. personally i was pretty frustrated that edward's illegitimate child was on every news station while are ally, Georgia, was engaging russian troops. I hate america, we are one oil pipeline bombing away from WW4 and all that is on the news is a story about how some senator cant pull out.  

  11. since he is a nobody again i think the media is blowing it all out of proportion.   neither my wife nor i could care less who he is burying his wick in.    fox has kept this up for four days now and truthfully it gets awfully tiring.    mr doodles

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