
What do you tip??

by Guest57127  |  earlier

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I work as a waitress, and am interested in how people tip a waitress/waiter.

It seems that people don't think about what the actual tip should be, and leave a standard. But if I give you good service, and I treat you nice, and am friendly, I should get a good tip.

I always leave a good tip, because I know what it's like as a waitress.

People don't seem to realize that most of us make lower than the actual minimum wage. In PA, I make $2.83 an hour plus my tips.

I have been told that I am a good waitress numerous times, but it doesn't seem to show when I pick up the tip from the table.

Thanks everybody!!!!




  1. When I got to restaurants, I generally tip 20% of the bill, and then I tip higher or lower depending on the service. =)

    I really hope this helps!

  2. when i go out i tip a dollar or two unless i go to a resturant where they add the tip to your check.....

  3. The amount or percentage of tip varies depending on what State you work in.  PA does not have a high rate as most of the people do not make a lot of money, therefore, your tips would be low.  In NJ, usually if the food/service is decent, I usually leave 15-20%, but it also depends on the establishment you work in.  A fast food restaurant/diner would net 12% or more, but a more exclusive restaurant with higher taste usually can get 18% or like a high end restaurant in NYC, 20% is a good tip, and 17-18% is expected.

    Sometimes it is not always about your service, but more the financial disposition of your clientel.

  4. Yeah I bartend and some people just dont get it.  We basically only make tips! -

    So for all you non-service people let me give you some advice on tipping:

    Drinks - at least $1/drink or $2 if specialty martini

    Food Service - at least 20% - If you have bad service, try to think of the server - are they generally bad or did they have too many tables, are they too new, did the cook mess up? - If you genuinely believe that you server just sucks, then by all means tip less - with that said, if you have a good, friendly server that give you great service, then show your appreciation by tipping more.

    Always remember that if you dont tip, you will be reincarnated as a toilet at Jenny Craig.

  5. Bare minimum, 20%. Jasmine above me will apparently be a Jenny Craig toilet :)

  6. I don't know about everyone, but if the service is decent then I just double whatever the tax is. A decent tip should be 15% of the bill and doubling the tax is 16.5% which is close enough. If the service is bad, I leave a little less.

  7. If I get good service I usually just double the tax.  8% would give 16% of the total bill.  However if my 5 kids are with me I tend to give 20-25% tip.

    Note: 20% is the high end of tipping.  I would consider this rate for above and beyond the call of duty service (unless I have my children who require more attention and time than older patrons).
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