
What do you understand about the "after life" concept?

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I mean, about the concept, theres another world after we die. Heaven and h**l, etc..




  1. Those who believe in Jesus and accept him will be taken to heaven. Those who do not believe and accept him will be left behind. When Jesus died he said " I go to prepare a place for you in heaven" . Those who follow me will inherit the Kingdom of God (heaven). There are many testimonies where people died and went to heaven and they came back to tell the people (that is us) that heaven and h**l do exist. My dear mother 2 months before she passed away, dreamt that she was walking with Jesus. He was in a White Shining robe. In February '08 I saw Jesus. He appeared to me. He showed me how he cried in pain while caring the cross. He is so real. That's why I believe in Him so much. That's why I Love Him so much. And I know I have my name written in the book of life. My family and I have a place in Heaven. Praise God

  2. i just don't believe afterlife,no heaven no h**l.

    if one day i really died,maybe i will tell god to make me disappear from earth,heaven or h**l

  3. I think the idea of the afterlife being created is to calm people who are about to die, and also to control their behavior while they are still alive.

    If they really wanna go to afterlife then they have to behave well while still alive.

    And also to the people who r about to die, if they believe they're going "Somewhere", then they don't have to be so afraid when they die.

    Benefits: It gives you hope

    Hinders: If u're given a ambiguous 'second chance', you wouldn't do the best to help people in this world.

  4. For those who believe....

    We humans actually belong to heaven...coz we are MADE THERE...

    We dont belong here on earth...our body and soul is more apt and suitable for heaven....the proof is tat our father/mother..(Adam & Hawa)

    are made there in heaven.

    However heaven is just TOO GREAT to be given HE made a decision to test our worth here on earth for what we are worth...heaven or h**l....??

    Try searching the farthest corner of your mind and look at our life on earth....The things tat we savour as "fine living" on earth tat we deem as suitable for us are actually reminiscences of the actual life in heaven...examples

    We love houses with rivers or swimming pools or spas...

    We love jewellery and adornations

    We love liquor

    We love democracy or to rule or my right as an individual...

    We love many wives...

    We love living in large expanses in undulating plains and meadows at temperate climates...neither too hot nor too cold,,,,

    We love fine food and be served...aka fine dining...while lying on sofas..


    So now u know why Adam cried for 40 years?...when he was sent too earth...

  5. The Holy Bible is the word of God. The afterlife is His promise of eternal life for all mankind who believe in Him.  It is an exact opposite of our present earthly life which is full of suffering.  What kind of life exactly it would be, we do not know.  It is enough for me to know and believe and hope in that next life of utter bliss with the Lord and my loved ones who went ahead and who also believed in Him and lived a life here that is worthy of His love.  

    For me, it is simply better to have that hope and expectation, rather than believe that after this life, i am no more. That we are reduced to nothingness, that everything we do now has no meaning after all.  

    Each to his own belief, of course.

  6. I believe there is a creator, but I don't believe in most of the man-made stuff written in various books about after life..

  7. Like albert Einstein says, energy cant be create or destroy. people are form of energy. when we die the energy just transform into other tress, animals, people and etc..

    that is why buddhist believe in re-carnation

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