
What do you use for a detergent for you baby?

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this is our first baby and i have tons of ?

thank you




  1. Whatever you do don't use Tide!!  It can actually burn your baby's skin.  Look for a gentle, baby laundry detergent and wash his/her clothes separately if you can.

  2. I have not had any children myself but my mother said that she always used Woolite to wash my brothers clothes as well as mine when we were infants. But if that is a little too pricey detergents that are free and clear meaning they do not have dyes or fragrances should be fine.

  3. i use purex, the same me and hubby use. i started out with all clear and free(just like dreft) but it was a lot of money so i just used ours and no reactions

  4. if your talking about the detergent that you was clothes with it reall ydoesnt matter wat detergent it is unless you r baby is born with some type of sensitive skin, but we use purex

  5. we use Charlie's Soap, it is the best for everything including newborns because it has no chemicals and no added anything really, plus it cleans so well lol and it's a detergent not a soap thats just the name. check out the website or google charlie's soap and you'll get a lot of reviews

  6. we used fragrance free like All or Tide Free and Clear. We also used less, and did an extra rinse when she was small and washed her clothes separate from the rest of the family. I think the "baby" detergents tend to be too smelly.

  7. I use Dreft with my son only because he has sensitive skin and regular detergent made him break out in a rash. Try regular and then if your baby has a rash switch to something made for a baby. Good luck!

  8. I usually go ahead and wash everything with Dreft for about the first month or so and then just switch to my regular detergent that the rest of the family uses. Just watch for any signs or rashes in case the baby is allergic. My daughters both have allergies to certain detergents and it is just a trial and error for us until we found the right one for the whole family. I think most babies do fine with any detergent though. You just may want to avoid any fabric softeners or dryer sheets with a really strong odor for a bit.

    Edit: Someone mentioned Tide, both my kids had horrible reactions to Tide as well. We normally use All. It's cheaper and does the trick. They have a sensitive formula as well.

  9. We've washed our baby's clothes in our regular detergent ever since he was born. No problems at all. Just keep an eye out for bad reactions to your detergent.

  10. All Free and Clear.  

  11. I use drift laundry soap

  12. i use ALL- free and clear...i have extremely sensitive skin, myself...he tends to do fine with that one, though...

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