
What do you use more than the other: a pen or a pencil? (at <span title="school/work/home/whatever)?">school/work/home/whatever...</span>

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I used to use pencils until middle school. That year the teacher expected us to use pens and at first I made alotta mistakes but then I got really used to them and liked how they gave off a 'professional' look. But it sucked if I made a hugee error and had to end up tearing the page because whiting it out would take forever and it would toxify x_x

Now I'm wondering, should I switch back to a pencil because you can take risks and not worry about using an eraser because its convenient. haha, it's so weird talking about stationary like this :P but it sucks how pencil fades or sometimes spreads, doesn't matter if its mechanical or not

What do you use and why?




  1. you can buy erasable pens now and they do work well

  2. I always use pencil when writing in math class. Otherwise, for long essays that I have to write (usually i type them), I use pens because they&#039;re smoother and more comfortable in my hand. But for computations of any sort, definately pencil.

  3. At work being on a computer all day  - I enjoy using a pencil to scribble my little notes as to what I am working on or plan of action.  Then I use a pen for the formal things - thank you cards, signing checks.  Pencils are fun because I even have some with feathers on them.   Colorful designs and the thrill of sharpening.  Also people steal pens but not my pencils.

  4. Pencil

  5. Pencil cuz teachers make you D:

    I like using pens though :O

  6. pencil , you need to know the right kind of pencil (usually #2) and the eraser (red ones not pink pink sux).....

  7. Personally, I hate pens. I always end up smudging them with my hand while I&#039;m writing, and it looks bad. I like mechanical pencils, because it makes my writing look really neat and professional. Plus, I always make mistakes and erase all the time, so pens arent really worth it for me.

    However, erasable pens also work pretty good, they don&#039;t write as well as regular pens, but at least you have the option to erase : ]

  8. PEN

    more smooth. i can take faster notes and it doesn&#039;t smear on the paper.

    and now they have all different colors!

  9. i use pencils ALL the time even when i was in grade and middle school

    and i only use mechanical .7mm

    lolz and i only use pen if a teacher says to or if it is necessary

  10. When I first made the switch from pencils to pens as you have, I stuck with erasable ink.  Solved all my problems!

  11. I had rather use a pen.. I write hard and so the pencil breaks if it is mechanical or gets dull really quickly if it is a wooden one..

    I prefer the Gel Pens... they write much more smooth..

  12. pen because i like how its color doesn&#039;t fade like the pencil as you metion. pencil you have to sharpen all the time.

  13. Pencil for all my math work that I am liable to erase on and stuff.

    Pen for all my notes, letters, or anything else. Like you said pencil fades and spreads so pen lasts longer and is more professional.

    I tried eraseable pens but they never wrote very well and left alot of residue when you erased.

    So my favorite pen is the papermate Xtend and pencil is papermate clearpoint. They are both amazing!

  14. Pen, because regular pencils are annoying to have to sharpen in the middle of class and the mechanical pencils keep running out of lead.

  15. I use a pen.


    I hate it when the pencil smudges all over the paper


    On the side of my hand.

    Plus you never have to get up to sharpen it ; )

  16. PEN idk why but i like it its bold and u can see it is why i gues

  17. Which ever one I can find first lol.

  18. Pen. You can always get liquid paper/whiteout for the mistakes.

  19. i use a pen for things like notes and most homework, im very careful with what i say because i hate crossing things out but i use pencil for tests and all math..

  20. well i am in middle skool (8th) and i erase. A LOT. so i use pencils. but ive also recently started usin erasable pens. dey work gr8 4 projects and stuf. dey need 2 make colored erasable pens though. not just black, blue, and red.

  21. Pencil always except for my signature.

  22. Pen is waay cool.

    Lmao, just buy some white out...

    Its all good.

    GO the Pens!!!

  23. Pen. I don&#039;t really know why but sometimes when I write with pencil it looks kind of uneven? hahah. and it bugs me(:

  24. pencil, because you can erase.. and when you use pen you can&#039;t erase, but you can white out but it doesn&#039;t look good

  25. pen, idk, im just used to it

  26. I loovveee pens and don&#039;t mind crossing stuff neatly out if I make a mistake. Personally, I hate White and just deal with the crossing-out.

    But the reason I don&#039;t like pencils is that they smudge easily and look, like you said, unprofessional.

    Also, I think all those eraser marks look worse than a couple of X&#039;s marking out a couple of wrong words.

  27. pens

    you don&#039;t have to sharpen them

    and they&#039;re smoother to write with=P

  28. Start using a pen u will have to use it in highschool and collage all the time and u can&#039;t use a pencil there.. soon u will get used to it

  29. i use pens they r just better

  30. I used pens almost exclusively for decades.  I used to keep journals in pencil, now can&#039;t read them.  Also don&#039;t like always having to sharpen.

    Now I&#039;m about 1/2 and 1/2 because I do sales and part of my process is estimating...gotta have an eraser for that!

  31. i use eraseable pens :) theyre sweet. they&#039;re made by papermate.

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