
What do you use your credit card for?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering what people use their major credit cards for (major meaning visa or mastercards that are accepted everywhere and not store cards) ---- do you use them for emergencies, daily spending, gas, big purchases, car maintenace, etc




  1. everyday purchases from lunch to a shopping spree.  i get points from my card : )

  2. Only for large purchases, over $100 and only in situations where I can't use my debit card at the time. I don't spend more than $400 at any time on it either. I pay it down to at least $200 before using it again.

  3. I usually use them for gas and sometimes a food purchase. I only use them to help build my credit. Other then that they are for emergencies only.

  4. daily purchases

    i have 55 bucks on it now and am paying it off on friday. i try not to use my CC for anything, but things come up and i dont have money, so it is what it is

  5. Daily spending - anything above $25 because I get points to redeem for air travel. Most purchases are for groceries, gas.  Pay off end of month.

    Major purchases with my Line of Credit card - lower interest rates around 6.5%

  6. everything...I wasn't taught the proper usage of a credit card.  

  7. ONLY in an emergency  

  8. Gas for the car, consolidating other loans.

  9. gas mostly, but sometimes eating out and big purchases--car work, clothes for my kids, presents for family, etc.

  10. I use my credit card when…

    I’m required to or receive a discount for setting up reoccurring payments on a subscription service.

    I’m shopping online because it offers me the protection in the event of a dispute with the merchant or if my data ends up in the wrong hands.

    I’m buying an expensive item like electronics. My card offers warranties on such goods.

    I want to spend money from my secondary bank account. I don’t have checks or a debit card for this account. I simply use my credit card and pay the CC bill online from the secondary account.

    I need to make a purchase in excess of my debit card’s daily limit.

    I’m making  travel reservations or renting a car.  

  11. car insurance..

  12. When I lived in the North, I used it to scrape ice from my windshield on cold winter mornigns :)

    For everything. I don't pay cash or checks unless absolutely I have to.  

  13. Firstly, I never use money that doesn't belong to me (credit card companies usually "borrow" you the money and make you pay 20-50% interrest for real, not APR bulls....).  So, if you are using a credit card to consolidate other dephts etc., that is just plain dumb (you're paying way more for everything by purchasing things that you probably don't need in the first place.  

    I use my credit card for larger purchases so that I don't have to carry too much cash on me, and I only do that, after I secure the funds to cover the cc bill right away.  I never pay interest, ever!  

  14. i use mine for EVERYTHING

  15. I have 3 that I use for pretty much everything because I pay them off in full every month and get cash back rewards.

    Between the 3 of them last year I got checks for almost $1,000.00 not bad for using someone else's money for free.

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