
What do you usually eat for breakfast (not during Ramadan)?

by  |  earlier

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I love to have my 2 weetabix in the morning and then around 10am I have 2 pieces of toast but I ran out of bread today so I don't have any toast :(




  1. bowl of cereal with milk, or oatmeal. 2 slices of toast with nutella or jam & butter or butter & sprinkle of sugar.. or scrambled eggs with saugages. i'm getting

  2. I drink tea and anything that would go well with it. But I have to have tea to feel fresh and energetic!

  3. i have any cereal normally but sometimes have toast

  4. soda farls with cheese and tomatoes..(or bacon or susage)

    tassssssssssty..oh and a caramel cappachino

  5. Two large shredded wheat biscuits with Cheerios and walnuts not quite covered with Soy Silk and a sprinkle of cinammon.

  6. Why do people always talk about food during Ramadan...Hello! this is a time where Muslimah's are FASTING, show some respect.

  7. Bacon and eggs.

    Edit: gave you a star for being a sport, rather than prissy!

  8. Cereals, milk, fruit, a piece of toast with some honey. I don't eat bacon, you can't teach an old dog new tricks ;)

  9. I have Fried bread (on the pan with margarine) with sweet scrambled egg in it! With tea Or Fried bread with nutella spread, croissants and tea.Toast with jam/margarine/nutella. Or I opt for chocolate cereal with milk.

  10. pork sausage  

  11. I like a bacon sandwich. I keep hearing about Ramadam, what is it please?

  12. I usually eat fried pork and whale liver....

    I also make some green vegetables

  13. I eat breakfast during ramadam, on weekdays I either have 2 slices of toast or a bowl of cereal (depends what I fancy, but I would have 3 weetabix if that was my choice), on a weekend I have either a bacon, a bacon and egg sandwich or if not on a diet a full english breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, beans, hash browns, fried bread, toast and a cup of coffee and a glass of fresh orange (only on a saturday, not 2 days in a row, we then skip dinner and have a nice tea)

  14. Im not a muslim.

    Bread is off.Must go to shops.

  15. Bacon and eggs, washed down with beer.

  16. ...fry'd Bacon or a few nice Pork sausages with a couple of eggs swimming in the hot bacon grease

  17. Bacon and Eggs, I know I should cut back on the bacon but it's just so tasty

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