
What do you usually fix your toddler/preschooler for lunch?

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I have trouble coming up w/ lunch ideas that are healthy for my 3 yr old. I feel so guilty feeding her stuff out of a can or box . . . but I really am not sure what else to do. She is the only one who will be eating it, so I can't fix a big meal. (I have a salad.)

What do you usually fix your toddler/pre-schooler for lunch?




  1. String Cheese


    Baby Carrots

    Ham and cheese sandwich

    Raisins with crackers and cheddar cheese

    Apple slices with little bit of brown sugar and cream cheese to make a caramel dip.  That dip can go with any favorite fruit

    Good old peanut butter to dip with celery or make celery cheese logs

    Fun ideas are to flatten your bread with a rolling pin and lay ham, or whatever you want in it and roll it up like a spiral.

    Any fruit smoothie in their thermos

    Finger jello is fun

    Animal crackers

    oyster crackers

    teddy graham crackers

  2. Peanut butter and jelly. can have cheese stick or yogurt with it. Grilled cheese with yogurt or apple sauce. Mac and cheese with hot dogs in it. It usually want ever my children want to eat.

  3. p&j sandwitch no crust, banna & milk

  4. I used to have the same problem. Then I came across how the Japanese fix lunch for their children, and that helped a lot. They have this thing called Bento lunches which is a boxed lunch with different foods seperated by dividers. Just google for some ideas. But what I would do is in the big square part I would have my sons protein such as cut up grilled chicken or other meats (mostly fish) cut into cute designs (with simple cookie cutters), Then in the smaller square parts I would cut small pieces of fruit, and in the other his veggie for the day. It sounds like a lot of work, but if its your only child it should be easy. Plus this ensures they eat healthy, and not another lunchable. I also would like to add that my son is a picky eater, but when his food is "designed" he always eats it.  

  5. A sandwich made with wholemeal bread with ham or cheese.

    An apple / banana

    An cereal bar

    A carton of juice

    That's all i put in his box. Other ideas are:


    Pitta bread instead of normal bread

    If she likes quiche how about a slice of that

    Little cubes of cheese


  6. For my 3.4 year old (she's a vegetarian) I fix her

    Rice and Beans

    English Muffin Pizza (with Ragu Marinara sauce and shredded cheddar cheese)


    Pasta and sauce and corn

    Macaroni and cheese and peas or beans

    Rice and Fried Potatoes

    Fried Rice and peas (assorted vegtables)

    English muffin pizza and tater tots w/ ketchup in a separate container

    Broccoli, veggie broth and rice

    String Cheese

    If she eats meat you can pack her

    Chicken nuggets, peas and rice

    Chicken and rice

  7. Fix your child a salad too!  Smaller of course, with a cheese stick or yogurt and maybe some cut up ham in it.  yummy!  Will feel special for eating what mama is!

    Also, you can make up a batch of something, give her the lunch then put the rest away for another day.  I'd do this with 3 different things and rotate it.

    Just make sure you are giving a variety and make it balanced.  And having some fun with it never hurt!  Let her help out!

  8. My kids hate PB and J.  I make them turkey and cheese sandwiches.  They eat them with fresh fruit like grapes or apple slices, carrots with ranch dip, and whole grain chips like sun chips.  We sometimes do ants on a log which is celery with peanut butter and raisins on it.  Or put the apple slices in a ziploc with cinnamon and a little bit of sugar and shake them up for a treat that is nutritious.  My daughter also loves yogurt with granola in it, cheese sticks, fruit salad, jello, trail mix and granola bars.  I usually throw in a pack of fruit snacks for dessert.  And a juice box or soy milk to drink.  At home we do mac and cheese with peas in it and chicken nuggets or sometimes we do beanieweanies which are baked beans and hot dogs in it.  Hope this helps!  


  10. Grilled cheese sandwich with cooked carrot sticks or mixed veggies, fruit

    Homemade soup, crackers, cheese, cucumber slices, fruit

    leftovers from dinner the night before

    Cold meat, bread, cheese, veggies, fruit

    Macaroni and cheese (home-made), veggies, fruit

    Tortilla with cream cheese, cucumber slices, appelesauce

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