
What do you wanna be when you grow up?

by Guest56287  |  earlier

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What do you wanna be when you grow up?




  1. Artist (painting and drawing) and be famous and rich from it.  I would also like to sponsor/own animal santuaries for all kinds of animals including domestic, endangered, farm animals, etc.  I would also like to create a FREE veternary clinic for those who can't afford or barely can afford all the medical needs of their pets.  This next one is kind of a long shot, but I wanna go on American Idol and be in some movies.  I'd also like to write scripts, poems, prose, and philisophical books.  With all this I want to make sure that all my family can stop working and live luxuriously....I don't have to live that way really, but I just want the money to do all these things.

  2. an animation director  

  3. I'm 74 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up........

  4. I would like to own properties and be involve in the real estate bussines whether it's developing, investing, or appraisal. As we all know the market it's pretty bad right now. So if that doesn't work out perhaps in the bussiness field working myself towards been my own boss or working for a great company.  

  5. Drug Dealer.

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