
What do you want from the government?

by  |  earlier

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Would you lke them to take care of you, or would you like to take care of yourself? Please explain




  1. I don't like your choices. I want the government to be objective and make sure that things are fair as possible. Cheaters and liars get what they deserve. The government should be looking at what is best for the total country. Special interests should have limited input. Corporate interests should have limited input too. People should have overriding say. The interests should be balanced to what makes sense.

    Smart and reasonable government. Thought. Planning. Careful analysis. Priorities that make sense with what we can reasonably afford.

  2. i just want security from my government ...thats it ...the rest i'll take care of myself

  3. I would like a year's supply of blue chip stamps......

  4. All I want from them is for them to provide for a common defense and protect liberty.

  5. To secure my god-given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (property).  That's what our government was instituted for.

  6. All I want from the government is to stay out of my wallet and out of my business. I don't need some politician who thinks that they have the God given right to run my life telling me what to do.

  7. I want to govt to leave me alone.

  8. all i want from my government is to protect my freedom,protect our borders and stop sending radio wave signals to us everynite and talking to me in my sleep

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