
What do you want me to whisper into your ear?

by  |  earlier

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;) (FYI, read my name. I don't want men!) I'm here for the amazing women.




  1. Can I do your chores  

  2. id whisper: "ima tell you a secret, can you keep it?"

    lol but you can tell me anything you want.

  3. my gf wants you to have her heels

  4. Tell me how Lucky Charms taste.  I've never tried them and you seem to think they're special.

    If you do have one-way ticket to Siberia, I hope it's for Peace Frog because their answer was uncalled for.

    Edit:  Was that you thumbing me down Frog?  Can you dish it out but not take it?  Either way, that answer was just nasty.

  5. Well Nichole, you are way too young for me so....I'm not going there.  Those lotto numbers would be nice : )

    btw: there are some pretty amazing men on here too ya know : )

  6. "Please let me take care of all your studies must be hard to listen to some teacher for 8 hours a day" o_o

  7. The Precious!!

  8. Tonights winning Lottery Numbers!!!  LOL  :@)

  9. is that you nick?? OMG AHHHH *does the misty jump*

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