
What do you want more of sleep or energy?

by  |  earlier

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I say energy




  1. I already have enough energy...too much.

    I need some sleep.

  2. Well if you sleep more at night, that is the key, at night! Then you will have more energy. The old saying is true, "Early to bed, early to rise. Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." I know that you may not like going to bed early, because you can't hang out and everything, but if you do this when you are just watching tv. Then go to bed early, it feels so good!

  3. Sleep - if you get enough sleep you will have more energy

  4. Energy

  5. Energy.  I need to finish a paper and study for three finals.

  6. sleep cuz i haven't been able to get enough of it for the past week... i'm so tired! but i have hw!!!

  7. Energy.

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