
What do you want most in your life right now?

by  |  earlier

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seriously though..

me? a social life...i should be enjoyin life, but im not...i have alot to give (not being concieted) and im just wasting my days away. just waiting. and it sucks...i shouldnt get into that =(

what about you?




  1. i want to be accepted.

    sounds vain, but im just being honest.

  2. To follow my dreams, and not let others hold me back.

  3. To be able to know if an old dear friend that I lost touch with over the years still believes in me as a friend?

  4. The freedom to be a bad person, without the feeling of guilt that goes with it.

    (and a soul mate)

  5. I want the knowledge and motivation I need to succeed in life

  6. To have the courage to travel the places I want to visit!

  7. i want to get laid with a hot girl

  8. same way kind of; i messed up my junior year and my gpa is down to a 3.3 now; it used to be 3.8.. and now I'm stuck going to this college I never wanted b/c all the screwups go there;

    SO what do I want? I want to make the cut on the auditions to the college I DO want to go to (music auditions) b/c my grades aren't good enough anymore

  9. a REAL relationship with someone i could at least think of as my equal.

    everyone i know is lacking some important component in their personalities.

    I'm not claiming perfection b/c I'm not perfect but i feel so much more aware of things than the people around me.

    They all seem to being living in some false reality.

    where are all the real people?

  10. i'd love to have more closer friends. i just moves school's and i had ALOT of close friends at my old school, and now i dont, so i'd really like that

  11. A real guy that actually cares for me.

  12. A soul mate.

  13. I want to finally escape my past 'big story' stop being hostage to the past  and feel 'enough' for myself. I want to get some sort of balance between being seen and not being seen - either state sends me see-sawing around in fear. I feel like a puppet dancing to

    some tune that no one else hears.   I don't quite know what bit  in my psyche is keeping this in place but hope I manage it.

  14. i know that feeling...that feeling of kinda feeling....useless?? unproductive?? but you have to remember, every second wasted is a second out of your ONE life that you'll never get back... step out of your comfort zone aka lazy zone, and just GET OUT THERE.

    for me all i want out of life is happiness, and just to appreciate whats around me.... because wether you waste a day or not, every second your alive is a blessing.

    [[think about all the people who dont even get a chance at life.]]

  15. I want the person I'm sooo deeply in love with to share the same feelings as me. She might just be in love with me and I just haven't picked up on it. I'm too afraid to talk or ask her about it and have been for two years. Pathetic right? I need love... and a back bone

  16. I want confidence and the knowledge that will give me the ability to make good decisions

  17. I pretty well have what I want except my salivary glands and I'm losing my teeth over that. So ... all I want is to have my glands back and my teeth to regrow for the third time! That's all right now.

    But come back next year I may have a different set of priorities.

  18. A break...

    all my finances in order,

    school to be finished

    not working so many hours overtime

    and some more things that are going on

    I just need for it to calm down for a little while.

  19. I want to be a different star sign so that I can easily say **** off to someone I don't like without pushing myself into not doing it...

  20. I guess it just comes down being happy and content. With life. The way it is. I want stability. I'm eighteen and the world should be at my feet and I couldn't be more lost. But If I didn't stumble a bit then perhaps I'd take real happiness for granted.

    I just feel like there is so much more out there, and I am farther away from it then i'd like.

    so be pateint. be kind. see what comes your way....?

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