
What do you want our leaders to do on Illegal immigration?

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  1. Stop subsidizing and encouraging it.

    It isn't rocket science.

  2. 1) completely seal the borders

    2) then...temporary moratorium on ALL immigration

    3) then...find & deport ALL illegals

    4) then....straighten out INS/rules

    5) then... mandate that ENGLISH is the only language officially recognized by the US

    6) then... enforce laws against businesses that hire illegals

    7) ONLY then....reopen US to legal immigrants

  3. provide amnesty

  4. As an 'eligible' voter for more than 30years, I expect them to do what they've always done.....nothing.

    There will be lots of "talk" but no action.  

    ..."I promise."

  5. Real simple,

    obey the LAW

    enforce the LAW

    employers who use "undocumented labor" should be busted

    and if necessary incarcerate corporate officers to make the point.

    We don't need a fence, we just need to see that the LAW is enforced.  That means NO sanctuary cities, and deport illegals as soon as we find them, waste no time, send them back where they came from.

  6. Go after employers who hire illegals and hit them with serious fines and jail time.

    When these money-grubbing clowns eventually fear jail more than profits most illegals working on the books will be unable to get employment.

    Go after every illegal and deport them.

    Those who have been deported once before-give 6 months jail time an re-deport them and their families..

    Those who have been deported multiple times give 5 years jail time and then re-deport them and their families.

  7. The solution is simple.  Since most of the illegals are Mexican, open the borders for Mexico & Canada for all classes of workers.  Deportation only works when you can deport far away from your border.  After that, open the border to all classes of workers as much as possible while safeguarding the English language as an official language.

    I'm getting tired of answering illegal immigration questions because obviously most people who believe in restricted immigration (which is just another free trade debate) are not interested in applying the fundamentals of economics to the debate.

    The study of  economics tells us that free trade in labor raises world productivity, and that's it's increases in productivity that will raise our wages in the future.

    We know free migration works well because that is the system within the U.S.  The big exception to this is American criminals migrating freely, so foreign and native born criminals should be deported in the interest of public safety.

    We know the economy expands with the population.  How else could the U.S. go from 0 to 300 million in 400 years, meaning foreigners competing with Americans for jobs should not be curtailed.  We also know that foreigners should not be blamed for unemployment because economies have natural unemployment rates because of the need to reorganize.  Central banks use higher interest rates to increase unemployment or at least to depress wages in order to fight inflation.

    We know that job losses in the past have hurt individuals; however, we know these job losses led to net gains.  For example, most Americans lost the possibility of farming, but new industries such as computers and airlines have taken its place.

    It is also immoral to aggravate world poverty by restricting immigration causing labor to be sold at below world market rates.  

    Americans are not absolutely against illegal immigration. I mean if Americans really really believe the original inhabitants should decide everything, then their ancestors would have gone back to England to humbly apply for visas and Green Cards from the Indians. What Americans really believe in is that nations only have immigration rights they can defend, so there is no point in preaching to the illegal Mexicans to go back to Mexico to be "honest."

  8. After this recession is over they should lessen the restrictions on immigration.  As the baby boomers retire there will be labour shortages. We need immigrants to fill these shortages! The United States is a country of immigrants that despises other immigrants...

  9. ya know?  I know so many people say "kick them out" blah blah blah.  But what makes us so much better that we were born on this side of an immaginary border?  We are all human.  They are human beings that we are being selfish and saying that we don't want them in "our" country!  I'm sure people don't even realize the conditions that these people come from.  Why don't we stop fighting a useless war and use our efforts to help our neighbors?  They would have no reason to come here if we helped them out a bit huh?

  10. Crush the employers. Ruinous fines and litigation. Make them disgorge all profits from exploitation of illegals, and flouting our laws.

  11. I want them to do just what every other country does; no more, no less.  They enforce the laws and respect their own borders.  In this way they ensure that their ways of life will not be endangered by people who are living there but have no respect for the country.

  12. step up to the bat or get off the field. they need to learn where their bread is buttered.

  13. Foreingers can work here, through some temporary labor visa, so they don't have to be illegal.

  14. Make the process of immigrating here easier. Reunite families that are separated. Legalize the immigrants that are here, that way they can pay taxes and become American because they do want their rights. They left their mother country and still probably love where their roots are from, but they are starting a new life here.

  15. Worker guest programs, allow people that have families pay a penalty and be given a chance to file the correct way if they don't have any criminal record.

  16. I want them to enforce the laws. That is what they should be doing. The benefit would be you have leaders you can respect. Do we want another government like some of these others?

  17. I want all 20 million criminals arrested and deported.

    It will save us $70 billion annually.

    Besides ridding the USA of a criminal element of course.

  18. Enforce all current laws.  I get so frustrated with politicians that push to enact laws simply to ignore them.

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