
What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?

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Don't answer if you don't your Sun sign, and if you know your Rising, Moon, and others you'd like to share, all the better.

Libra Sun/Rising Opposition Moon.




  1. I want to take up masterals, be a surgeon and get all the degrees I can get my hands on.

    In the meantime, I'll work (I'm a nurse) for 4 yrs. cause that is stated in my contract. I'll study again after that. Then, I'll put up my own business and get super rich. I'll donate some earnings to my favorite organizations. I would also like to establish my own organization to help poor people and the likes.

    I think I like to be a politician.. I want to have a high position in the government.

    Of course I want to get married, have children, etc.. Die at an old age when I have accomplished much.

    Libra sun, Pisces ascendant conjunct Jupiter, Sagittarius MC

  2. I want to be happy in whatever it is I do, no matter what it is. I think a lot of people should realize this :) But, I especially love art and I hope to become a well-respected painter one day.

    I'm a Taurus Sun with Aries Moon, Aquarius Rising.

  3. I want to have an Entertainment empire =] . Fashion label, Record label etc.

    And a great husband and kids wouldn't go amiss =]

    Sun: Leo

    Rising: Libra

    Moon: Cancer

    Edit: And to be happy...forgot the most obvious object

  4. I'm a Taurus sun

    Leo moon

    Taurus rising

    I want to be financially secure, so that i can have a great quality of life.  I want a quality of life that allows me to spend time with my family, lower my stress level, travel and have more life experiences. I want to keep love in my life. I want to marry a man that is my best friend and life partner. I want to have children. I always wanna be able to help others in some way. I want to remain a positive, good hearted person.

  5. I want to be a famous singer,and yes,famous is important.

    I also want to be an actress and a model,even though model is my last one :D

    I want to be well known all over the world :D

    I want to marry the guy I always wanted to and to have like 3-4 kids ;D

    What's yours?


    ~4 lines that start with I haha

    Leo sun,Sag moon,Aquarius Rising.


    I will sure be happy!No prob :D

  6. i want to be rich and successful, but above all i want to have a loyal husband, that loves and respect me, wanna have quiet kids and a big house.

    Taurus sun, leo moon, gemini rising  

  7. I want to be a famous rockstar....not just for the fame.

    I want to know that I inspired thousands of kids to follow their dreams and their passions in music, I want to start a new revolution of new music, a new genre...wait no, music NO ONE but myself can create, with my band of course.

    I want to go on tour with my best friends, the hate, the love, it's like my own little family, the brothers and sisters I've never had. Looking into an audience of 10 thousand screaming fans knowing their living their dreams by watching me and my band play guitar, cause that's how I feel when I see my favorite band play live.

    Traveling, fame, friends, music, writing, being constantly tired, music and traveling, it's like all my favorite things rolled up into one...

    This IS NOT just my DREAM, this is MY GOAL.

    And I WILL accomplish one's gonna stop me...

    Gemini Sun/Libra Moon/Cancer Rising

  8. Well, right now I am working on my master's in piano performance, and plan to continue on to the doctorate. I want to continue to develop my musical skills and take myself as far as I can go. However, I'm aware that the performance world is a difficult one, and fame is not as easy or glamorous as it seems. I enjoy performing, but ultimately I would like to teach at the university level. I want to gather as much knowledge as possible, and be able to pass that on to the upcoming musicians and scholars. I think it's important to be versatile in many subjects, and to be well rounded. My biggest goal is to one day become a dean or run my own music school.

    Libra Sun/Rising, Cancer Moon in the 9th (Square to my Sun/Asc., but that won't stop me ^_^)Cancer Jupiter also in 9th, Sagittarius in my 3rd house, Mercury Conjunct Mars.....

  9. I want to be a veterinarian. To eb able to help animals of all sorts. Any kind of animal brings me happiness

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

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