
What do you want to be in the future?

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What's your dream that you want to come true? I just want to know i'm really interested in it




  1. i want a hover skateboard like Marty McFly

  2. a Hillbilly

  3. In the future I think I would be one of the singers like LIL Mama! I think that it would be great to be the voice of the little people. Show people how you can change little peoples lifes. Do right so yhey can do right when they grow up. It would be great showing people that you can do something by showing things that are in your songs.

  4. My parents told me I could be anything I wanted when I grew up...

    ...So I became an a*****e.  

    Actually, my dream would be to someday be able to retire, and spend some good, quality time with my wife while touring the Western United States with our truck/5th wheel trailer combination.

  5. I want to be a psychiatrist.

  6. i want to be a billionare

  7. I want to become a mechanical or a computer engineer

  8. I want to have enough money to...

    pay bills,

    have emergency money,

    and have money to play with,

    instead of constantly worrying and struggling.

  9. I want to be a doctor.

  10. A Police Officer

  11. Get a book published.  or two, for that matter...

    Drink lots of coffee.

    Spend all my time at barns and noble.

    Pure bliss and happiness.  :)

    What about you?

  12. At my age, I'll settle for being alive and healthy.

  13. Very hard to say considering I'm already 21.

    My first choice would be a fantasy writer. I do that in my free time and I'm coming up with a brilliant trilogy, something that has never been written before. It's taking me years to write and I find my inspiration in places people seem to have missed up until now.

    My second choice would be an archaeologist considering I have a fresh bachelor in archaeology and ancient history and I dream of digging up some Phoenician town or some Celtic sacred temple.

    My third choice would be a National Park Guard despite not yet having an ecology degree, but I dream of spending my days surrounded by wild nature and the beating heart of Mother Earth.

    My fourth choice would be to present a cultural TV program that would make me travel across the world and visit places I can only dream of.

    Finally my fifth choice would be to get a job in the UNESCO and work on conservation projects.

    That's it for now!

    What about yourself?

  14. When I was a kid I said a lot of times that I want to be a Pilot.  My parents are not that rich to support my studies so I end up taking Computer Science in college even if I don't own a computer at that time.  Building cool websites is really fun and even if I had an error with my work, I can always go back and fix it.  If I am a Pilot, I don't have room for errors or else I will die and the people with me.

  15. Airship Admiral-check out

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