
What do you want to be when you grow up..?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i am 14 and i have no clue what i want to be when i grow up yet...

but i know i want to make something of my life and make good money. i would love to live and work in the city. i take alot of accelerated classes and i work hard so i know i have the drive and smarts to do something with my life but i don't know what yet..

what do you want to be if you are my age..or even younger or older and tell me how you actually pursued your dream.


i was thinking maybe graphic design..

or i know this is a little far fetched but if you have seen the show the hills like kinda what whitney and lauren an internship at a big magazine, then go on to other things in fashion..that would be fun!

well anyways thanks! <3




  1. idk wut i wanna b but i do kno that i wanna make money and lots of it so i took a occupation test online and it turns out id be good in business

    i dont remember the site i was on so just go 2 google and type in free occupation tests and take it from there.......

    good luck and i hope i helped....

  2. i want to be singer it is my dream in band called BK

    im in band called BK which stands for breanne and katarina

    i aslo want to have my own fashion maganize

  3. Well, I&#039;m 15, and I want to be a music teacher, or, anything with the arts, even fashion [!], or forensic scientist. It all depends on what you love. If you love fashion, then keep up your grades, and apply to colleges in a big city, like New York City, for example. You could apply for an internship with a magazine, or other fashion line. My friend even went to Paris, and worked for Vivian Westwood and Alexander McQueen! Never give up, because someday, everything will work out for the best.

    Best of luck and lots of lurve!

  4. i want to be a model, like out in L.A. =]

  5. A Doctor or a Nurse Practioner

  6. i dunno something with fashion or maybe an make up artist

  7. I&#039;m 14 and I want to be either a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. I&#039;m leaning more toward cosmetologist though because I love make up and and hair and just all of the stuff that deals with cosmetology.

  8. Keep on taking accelerated classes, and if your school has a photo-imaging or computer class, take it, and see if its something you want to pursue. Just remember that you&#039;ll probably change your mind a couple more times before you decide what you want to be. (Its not a bad thing that you don&#039;t know what you want to be, you have plenty of time!)

  9. Just keep working hard. You will be fine. Even if you don&#039;t know what you want to do. Trust me, I always dreaded it when people asked me &quot;What are you going to do?&quot; It was tough because I never had the answer. But everyone else seemed to have one. But it&#039;s okay to not know. Just research schools and pursue interests. Plus you never know where life takes you. Getting an internship is tough, so you will have to keep working hard if you want to get one. Also try doing stuff related to what you want to do. Know fashion, draw, work on the computer, stuff like that.  

  10. I want to be a designer :) I can already draw very well and I&#039;m learning how to sew.

  11. I want to be a famous author. I&#039;m writing a short story as of now. I want to publish it but I&#039;m only 13.. blah.. It kinda shuxs.. But yea, my heart is in creative writing.

  12. designing is a lot of fun i dont do it but my brother does and he loves it..of course he designs buildings and stuff but you get to travel and meet lots of ppl i think you would have fun but just wait a few years dont jump into something your not gonna like...

    good luck!!

  13. people dont think i will but ive always wanted to either act or go into fashion. And i think if you want to do something you shouldnt give it up :) im 14 and i make some of my own clothes and take drama classes and singing and i love to preform. I hope you get to be what you want :D dont give up :)

  14. i havee no ideaa whaat i wanna bee!!!!!!!!!!!!

    its so difficult to chose but i suggesttt goingg

    to a class called careeerr choice to givee u a

    feww ideas

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    here are some good classss jobs;





  15. That sounds fun. You should start taking sewing classes and stuff now. It is very important to sew when working in fashion and most don&#039;t know how. Plus, it will help with your creative side and you can start making your own clothes. I feel you can do whatever you want, you just got to put the work into .

    I am already 24, I have done a lot of things, but I still want to finish out my running career. I have 1 son and another on the way, so right now, they are my priorities, but things are great so far and I currently am a seamstress and sew custom designs for people. I make good money, but I will work at my athletic career. Good luck!

  16. I&#039;ve always wanted to be an actress, but I have a passion for graphic design. I have photoshop and have been working on it for over a year and are better than some people that have been on it for years. And I&#039;m only 11. I have an account on myspace.

  17. im 13.

    i wanna be a hip hop singer or a punk rocker.

    i just need to decide which one though.

    basically i want to be in the show biz, ya know?&gt;



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