
What do you want to be when you grow up??

by  |  earlier

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i am 14 and i don't know what i want to be when i grow up. i know that i want to be professional and pays good money an d maybe live/work in a city. I know i have the drive, determination, and smarts to do something that takes a lot of work but i don't know what i want to do yet.

if you are around my age or even younger or older tell me what you want to be or how you have pursued your dream!

thank you!<3




  1. I would like, I am going, to be a IT engineer. I can&#039;t decide if I want to be electrical or software engineer. But, either pays well.

  2. I have the same problem :(

    I&#039;m 14 too and i dont know what to be! Pick out your ineterests, what are you best at? Math? science? art? gym? language.. etc..

    then go towards it.

    Im a big talent in art and language. I wantt to be a english teacher, a fahion designer... but im not sure...

    Maybe for you, you could be a scientist, doctor, teacher. Those take alot of work.

  3. I think I may end up working in Real Estate, it&#039;s been quite a big success in my family to date.

    However, i&#039;d like to work in Finance or HR.

  4. I am a LOT older than 14 and to tell the truth, I still have no idea what I want to do!

    What I did though was to get a good education, went to grad school, then went to work. The suit and tie thing didnt work, so I got into a trade. I was the only person in my shop with a college degree, and I got razzed a lot. I eventually switched careers, and about 10 years later, switched again. I really didn&#039;t give a lot of thought to what profession to enter, but I did know that I want to be able to help people in some way, and make a living doing so. Thus, by keeping the goals more open, I expanded the possibilities.

    You have plenty of time to decide what you want to be/do. One day, you will meet someone who says/does something that strikes a chord in you and you will know the answer.

    Best of luck to you.

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