
What do you want to read about???

by  |  earlier

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The local newspaper wants me to start writing a regular column in it on a weekly basis?

I’m a pretty good Writer, however I dread that fact that I might write about something’s that interest me alone.

Can you help me out by telling me some interesting topics to write about??




  1. write about everyday stuff...people always are interested in stories from real pple and their experiences...that is what I would like to read

  2. Celebrity sitings

    weird news

    good places to eat or shop

  3. Write about the specialized cell, p53, and it's role in cancer with respect to its abundance.

  4. where are you? in lebanon??

    you could do a sort of

    prose caricature of different politicians since the lebanese seem to be united in their hatred towards them lol

    or you could talk about stuff thats happened during the week and give your opinions on it

    it depends if youre one of those sharp snappy writers or one of those quiet contemplative ones

    if you are the latter you could write about stuff that threatens todays society like politics in lebanon i dont know

    whatever you do DONT do a gossip column:

    1. youre a dude..that wd just be wrong wrong wrong

    2. its trashy (even though im always reading them LOOL) its tacky and not very good for your porfolio

    plus what would you do if you saw the person you wrote about and they recognised you..apparently in lebanon u see famous people all the time loooool

    or you could write about science and any recent developments and what they could mean

    or you could write about international events and how they could affect lebanon or wherever it is you are

    ummm the economy?? whats happening with the recession and how its affecting stuff

    im sorry if these are really crappy ideas but i tried =D=D

    EDIT: oops the question said what do you want to read about LOOL i didnt read it

    aaah to be honest i read the fashon section and the tv section and thats it LOL but dont write about that

    i read the parts about weird people like that girl who has 8 can write about that if u want :D

  5. You could write about....LEBANON.

  6. ya meit alf mabrook that must be pretty exciting!

    since i dont live there i dont think my opinion matters but i guess anything that is interesting lol :-P

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