
What do you want to tell to our president and our government?(phil)?

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tell what you want to tell to our "BEST!!!!" &%!$@$ present president! darn im getting MAD!!!!!

do you think we still have the chance to stand up from our place now?

feel free to express your feelings and thoughts regarding our government.


but the government doesn't listen even we are a democratic country our people power can do nothing! what kind of &!%@% is this! GRRRRR




  1. The way that we are headed at this moment we are no diffrent then the former Soviet Union. Bush is the American Version of Putin or some other dictator that has over steped his boundies. He is almost done and the person that will replace him will have the task of cleaning up the mess he has made of this country and the rest of the world.

  2. I have learned to not post that here.   I am communicating directly with the White House and get back a real nice form letter every time.

  3. Decode this lyrics " Don't know much - about misery"

    Be a "Better man"

    As the Son of God.

    Not "Son of a dirty old man"

    "Where is the love - Mama"

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 11.33-36,46-52

    Luke 5.36-39

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    John 7.19

    John 8.44

    Matt 23.27

    Matt 22.32

    What do you think?

  4. Repent! for the kingdom of heaven is near or is at hand.

    This answer is not a joke. Even violent force will not change someones heart and alter their behavioral track.

    They know we are crashing but the parachute the elite have given them is golden. It will serve them well on earth.

  5. I want to tell them all, and I HAVE, that they MUST get back on a Constitutional track!

    The President wipes his rear with the Constitution and the Congress gives it a thumbs up by doing nothing about it.

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