
What do you want your waiter to do and not to do?

by  |  earlier

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What if anything have you ever complained to the manager about?

What do you expect a waiter to look like, act like. What is a bad waiter vs. a good one?




  1. 1. Bring water. Don't ask just bring it.

    1-1/2 Ask what I would like to drink.

    2. If there are specials speak up. Also say what your favorite dish is. Bring EXTRA napkins or clean ups.

    3. Ask if you would like your soup or salad with or before dinner is served.

    4. Bring the appetizer BEFORE the meal arrives.

    5. Don't ask if everything is alright while I have a mouthful of viddles.

    6. Smile and don't tell me your problems or how you hate your job. We all do, so it goes without saying.

    7. Ask if I would like coffee or dessert.

    Bring the check when everything is finished eg. coffee dessert.

    8. Ask if I would like too take care of the check now or come back in a few minutes,which means a few minutes and not fifteen.

    9. Bring the receipt promptly with a smile and a personnal thank you.

    IF YOU DO THE ABOVE I WILL COME BACK TIME AFTER TIME. DON'T AND YOU CAN KISS MY SWEET BUTT GOODBYE FOREVER. These are simple things to do and will not be of any extra work.  


  2. not  good  to  put  his  eys to me.

  3. i would want the waiter to be attentive to our needs without hovering around us all the time and would expect him/her to know whats on the menu and how it is cooked and what the ingredients are .

    i do not expect them to be pushy or overbearing in their Mainer .

    and would expect a professional service oh and i expect them to look clean and tidy at all times not unkempt as that would put me off dining at this establishment. and after all that i expect good service from them . and in return i shall be civil and friendly towards them and show no aggression at all and if i have had good service then i give good tips after all it is a two way thing bad service for me equals no tip . however i can not blame the waiting staff for badly cooked and prepared food  but sorry no tip for that as i would send the food back and just pay for what i have consumed

  4. This all depends on how expensive my plate is, what you get is what you pay for.  I was a waitress at Johnny Rockets when I lived in Arizona so I have a lot of forgiveness for waitresses that are clearly trying to serve in a casual dine in resturant.  If i were paying a lot of money for my food, however, they had better be watching my drink glass and serving me the proper way.  I went to this Chicago's pizza place when i was in AZ and the waitress was horrible.  I was thirsty and my glass sat empty for about five minutes before she decided to fill it and even then i had to get her attenchen.  She wasn't that busy and that upset me.  A good waiter or waitress always serves the women first.  Even if it is just giving out the menu.   A good waitress remembers what your drink is and after your glass gets a little under a half glass she will get you a new one if it is free refills.    If it is a fine dining experiance you want to know expectations, gosh, I know it would take quite a lot of work for me to meet those.

  5. I dont want them coming up when my mouth is obviously full and asking if everythin is ok wehn i cant answer because my mouth is so full!whats all that about!?

  6. Overall, be generally friendly and clean-cut.

    In terms of service:

    ALWAYS keep my glass filled with water or whatever refillable drink I have.  I go through water quickly and am often left sitting there with no drink for half my meal.

    Be quick and accurate.  If there is something in the kitchen that is causing our meal to take a long time to get to us, let me know.  Don't just have us sit there waiting.

    It's ok to make mistakes - but apologize sincerely.  Offer a free dessert or something if the mistake is significant.

  7. As long as the waiter is nice, smiles and tries to make us happy, there's no reason to complain. It's pretty simple, just make the customer happy, no playing around and no grumpy attitude. Also, don't make the customer wait for anything. : )

  8. I always want my waiter to bring me soda refills, or whatever I'm drinking at the time.  I also expect them to occasionally come by, just to ask if there is anything that we need.  I HATE it when a waiter doesn't come around to check on you.....When that happens, NO TIP!!!!

  9. I've complained to the manager about a waiter with the

    flu!  Also, about a man, talking at the top of his voice,

    on a cell phone that was about a foot from my head.

    I like a server to smile, which is not always the case,

    ask first if we'd like to hear the specials instead of

    launching into a Gourmet Magazine diatribe.  Neat,

    clean clothes and fingernails and a curteous attitude.

    It's nice if someone can see from afar how the meal

    is progressing before interrupting a conversation to

    ask how it's going.  A bad waiter is sloppy, lets people

    wait too long before coming over to take the order,

    brings one person's food before the others' and

    doesn't check to see if people have run out of butter,

    water, wine, etc. or gets their orders mixed up when

    serving.  The best waitress I ever saw was so full of

    life, she lit up the room, told us how gorgeous we

    were, asked about any dietary restrictions we might

    have so she could pass it along to the chef, filled

    our water immediately and brought some veggie

    appetizers on the house.  She also suggested

    a better seat than the one we had and took us to

    a nook with a great view.  Our food was hot, served

    within 12 minutes with a big smile.  Somehow she

    knew when to pour more wine, fill the water glass

    and replenish condiments without bothering us.

    She was invisible but palpably there....we loved her.

  10. The best waitress I ever had always brought me a to go cup of diet Pepsi as soon as I sat down in the restaurant.  I only ever went there a couple times a month, but she remembered what I liked and made sure I had it.  She always got a good tip.

  11. While in general I think of myself as a very patient person, there are a few basic things I expect of waiters.  I expect good service (attentive, listening), I expect cutlery and napkins given to me promptly.  I don't like waiters that are snotty, or roll their eyes when dealing with older people or younger children (well behaved ones).  I don't really care what they look like as long as they look relatively clean.  While I have never complained, I have walked out of a couple of restaurants because or extremely poor service

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