
What do you want?love or tragedy?

by Guest64281  |  earlier

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What do you want?love or tragedy?




  1. happy ending or tragedy in love,is that what you mean?coz in real life i want to have a happy ending in love but in movies,i want tragedy..coz it has greater impact to me..

  2. Well I imagine love, but my life is a tragedy.

  3. I dont understand the question. Maybe i am missing the philosophical attempts here, but no one would choose tragedy over love.  Are you asking, "can we have love without tragedy?" If so, then yes, but tragedy usually follows all endeavours that require such a strong commitment of self.

  4. Well, this question is stupid (no offense) because usually love turns to tragedy (sounds emo I know) because love is usually one sided and then the person you love turns to love someone else and that's tragic.

  5. I'd prefer to have "True" love, not just any love. If I can't have something that feels like it was meant to be and like I couldn't go on without that significant person then I'd want tragedy. Only because that could give me something to live for rather then living for nothing.

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