
What do you wear running when the temp is ok?

by  |  earlier

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its not cold out. about room temp or over. im gonna be running at 10. what should i wear? like, gym shorts? cause i dont wanna run in like.. sweats or short shorts. (cause im not suure.)

thanks for your el helpp




  1. I personally wear the least amount of clothing I can get away with- it depends on where I plan to run. But being a dude, it makes shorts, socks and shoes reasonable. Females could add a sports bra in a safe area here in the States, but be smart about it. Once you're moving, you'll be generating enough heat that you'll only need or want clothing to be respectable and conservative in the environment you're running in. I run shirtless right through a high concentration of homeless folks and then through a high rent, open air mall... but I wouldn't want my g/f to do the same, naturally.

  2. Your body temp (once you get going) will make it seem about 20 degrees warmer than it is, so dress with that in mind.  If it's about 70-75 out (office room temp), you'll likely be OK if you keep it to shorts and a shirt.

  3. Like Running shoes a good pair of Running shorts .And your body will thank you,, Road Runners sports .com --has many too choose from.. Carpe Diem

  4. i still wear rubber shoes cause its the best sportswear/shoes to use

  5. I'm a guy and I run shirtless with gym shorts on. You might like running with gym shorts and a sports bra.

  6. I'd run in shorts and a sleeveless shirt.  You will warm up within 5 minutes.  Just make sure (if your meeting a group or friend to run) pack a warm shirt for when you finish your run.

    If your really not sure, just wear shorts and tank with another top that you can take off and wrap around your waist.  

    I run in cooler temperatures and still wear minimal clothing.

  7. Knee length leggings (breathable stretchy material)

    Sports bra

    Loose tank top

  8. short gym shorts and a cami, thats what i wear.  U should get into schedule of running either in the early morning [6-8] or at night [6-8].  Have Fun!!!!!!!!!

  9. I do not care about sports at the Dress Code, as long as light, comfortable, breathable and is OK. I quite like the series of Nike sportswear, in particular,the nike air max,I have bought several pairs at run quite well until now.

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