
What do you wear to a infants funeral?quick please?

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I have a funeral to attend tomorrow one of my coworkers lost her 8 month old baby, i am not extremly close to this woman but that matters none, i would like to pay my respect and show her support through this hard time inher life, however i do not know what is appropriate to wear to a funeral for a baby . i have only attended immediate family funerals, please help. thankx in advance




  1. I think black..

  2. i'd stick with black just like any other funeral.... i feel so bad for her... how did the baby die?

  3. What you wear matters less, after all it is still a baby, it is your hearth that matters, though you could wear not too bright color, and not flamboyant dressing.

  4. That is awful!  Ugh.  I think you should go with something classic. Black, muted.  Just try to blend in.

  5. Wear subtle clothes...I wouldn't go in a bright yellow sun dress lol but something "easy" if you know what I mean.

    You really cannot go wrong though.Everyone will be more focused on the family and the baby instead of the clothes people are going to wear.

    Such a terrible loss:(

  6. The same clothes as you would wear for an adult funeral are acceptable. Nothing too colorful or festive. Black, gray or navy are always good fall-backs for a funeral. Nice slacks and a blouse are ok - you shouldn't have to wear a skirt or dress but you certainly could if you wanted to.  

  7. Now days most clothes are acceptable.  We have passed the days of only wearing black.  I would choose something Conservative and avoid flashy.  That is going to be a tough one to attend blessing to all.  

  8. where the same kind of thing you would wear to any other persons funeral

  9. where a costume that represts what the child looked like efore it was dying.

  10. WHITE!

    the baby was so innocent & a angel now!

    so WHITE!

  11. Wear what you would wear to any funeral -- not too formal, but nice. (dress pants and a nice top, or a dressy skirt with a nice top, that sort of thing)

  12. I think a black 2 piece suit weather it be a skirt or pant suit!! I am so sorry for her loss no one should ever have to go through what she is going through!! Best of luck dear!!

  13. Definitely somber colours.  Your families traditions shouldn't be applied here (though there is nothing wrong with them at all!) it's definitely appropriate to wear black, dark blue, dark browns, dark greys things like that.

  14. I have been to several funerals and everyone does not wear black.  It just doesn't happen except in the movies.  Something muted, or dark, or plain is all that is required.

  15. We lost our little girl in February 2007. My husband and I both chose to wear white to her funeral. To us white symbolised the fact that she was innocent I suppose. In reality I have no idea what other people were wearing, it was not something that really concerned us then and it still means more to us that these people were there for us at such a difficult time, whatever they were wearing would not have concerned me in the slightest as I know that all of them have more respect than to turn up wearing torn or scruffy clothing.

  16. In my experience,  providing you don't go dressed like you are a showgirl between acts, the family wont much remember such details anyway.  

    While I agree with your families colourful approach,  others don't see it like that. The middle and safe ground has to be soft gentle grays with a little colour and dark shoes.    

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