
What do you wear to volleyball?I'm so confused!?

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What do you wear to volleyball?I'm so confused!?

Well, I'm in middle school and just starting. I'm 13 and am confused on what to wear to practice that starts this week. I'm going shopping tomorrow for volleyball spandex shorts, but I'm stuck on what to wear for a shirt. And also, what kind of knee pads do you suggest? What about shoes?




  1. wear spandex and if you dont have them yet then wear sophies.  

    Also wear gym shoes.

    And then you should wear a regular t-shirt that has like something from your school or team.  

    umm the knee pads that i have are mizuno. i am wearing it right now and i just had volleyball.

  2. ok so yeah get black spandex.  it doesn't matter what shirt.  don't wear like a polo or a really form fitting shirt.  one that fits but you would like wear to bed or you would like go running in.  anyway get kneepads that fit well and that have kind of hard cushions.  and finally don't get regular running shoes, get volleyball or court shoes.  ooo yeah and get tall white socks because you'll probably need them

  3. i suggest spandex defintly haha.

    and then just a tshit would be good. i really like my nike kneepads. Mizzuno is a relaly good volleyball brand for shoes and such but i wouldnt suggest going all out quite yet since it can get quite expensive  and your just starting.  Also high socks I like.  and then pull your hair back in a pony tail and your all good (dont wear any jewelry) bad idea... i had a girl on my volleyball team whos belly button ring got ripped out by the net.

  4. you can wear a tank top or just a regular gym  t-shirt . Nike knee pads . Asic volleyball shoes if your a serious v-ball player or just reg. tennis shoes

  5. spandex yes but wear some shorts over avod emperasment

    and if your uniform shorts for the games are white wear spandex underneath i know from excperiance its emberassing when your in the middle of agame and realize its see though look for shoes that give a good jump you'll jump higher and hit the ball harder...

    good luck hope i helped

  6. if its your very first day you shouldjust where any type of shorts you want .you dosnt need spanx for like ever day at the begining but like as you get more into it your gonna want to get some because its easy to move in . i wear a cut t shirt shorts and knee pads well and volleyball shoesfor the first few weeks of the season durring conditioning thenas we getinto more volleyball i just use normal tshirts because your not working as hard. nike Knee pads work realy well and i use mizuno wave tornado 3 shoes there realy light weightother mizuno shoes are good to.

  7. lol just weaer a tshirt, the teams I coach we give em practice uni's that are just tshirts with our club name on the front of em.

  8. girls are always concerned about what they are wearing, ask a team mate or your coach.

  9. spandex, def.

    or shorts.

    then just wear a school tshirt or anything

    a tshirt you would wear to gym class.

    buy kneepads. i use asics (spelling?) but its whatever you prefer

    wear soccer or volleyball knee high socks

    and just wear tennis shoes.

  10. spandex I wear mizuno

    t-shirt like one you get for sports and tourney and stuff, one you would wear to gym.

    shoes I have asics and I love them!

    wear knee high socks especially if you have actice ankles!

    knee pads I have nike ones and I love them!

  11. PE shirt, or anything you feel comfortable.

    Volleyball shoes, or any court shoes that you feel comfortable (at 13);

    High socks;

    Spandex as you already know;

    Head-band if necessary.

    Bring your water bottom, towel, and a little snack (keep in the car), and extra shirt for change after the practice.

    I have Mizuno VS-1 and Nike Dri-Fit, they are both good. Try not to get those “bubble” knee pads, whether Nike or not.

  12. spandex is a MUST!

    haha a t-shirt..... asics*spellin* haha and some tennies.

    but i dont like wearing high socks to pratice it's too hot. but whatever you want to do:)

    have FUN<3

  13. Wow just chill girl!  Okay yeah volleyball players wear spandex that are short, not like long biking shorts.  Just wear a t shirt!  Any kind of knee pads are fine, mizuino is the best.  Your not playing serious volleyball yet, so just stick with the sneakers.  And if its school volleyball then stick with the short socks.  If its serious go for the crew or long socks.

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