
What do you wear when you go to play paintball?

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea what to wear, all I know is it will be hot outside.




  1. Nothing you want to wear ever again.  The paint will permanently ruin d**n near anything.

  2. you normal clothes  they give you painball gear there  

  3. Full coverage face mask is the only must. A cup if you have it. But you will live if you show up in a white tee. I mean its gonna hurt but whatever its paintball for god sakes

  4. My paintball gear, what else?!

  5. Well wear shorts and a tank top (you seem to be female) they rent gear you can wear so that you don't ruin your clothes, RENT THEM. The grease paint is impossible to get out of cotton. Just a couple of bucks, so it is a great deal.

  6. nothing

  7. Baggy clothes specialy long t-shirts, baggy shorts/jeans.

  8. old clothes out of the back of ur closet, clothes that u could throw away. the paint will ruin it. depending on where u r going to play, they rent clothes (tipically army camo shirts and pants)

    hope this helped

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