
What do you wish people had told you about being preggers that they didn't?

by Guest66718  |  earlier

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My hubby and I are thinking about trying to have a baby soon, and I was just curious to see what you guys wished people had told you about having a baby before you did. Good, bad or indifferent. Thank you!




  1. The bad- the mood swings, and the insomnia after you get up at 3am to pee. Oh, and old ladies touching your belly when you get big. Yah, cos I had a sign that said 'Public Property, please grope' LOL

    The good- never being alone when you are carrying a baby. The secret kicks when you are out shopping, and a little prod from mummy to say hi to baby, and baby responds. Baby's hiccoughs too.

  2. I am on my second pregnancy,,,, Pregnancy is the fun part !!  I was told but did not believe how exhausting those mid night feedings can be...  Oh and the ten step program you have to do every time you pee if you end up with stiches, and it does take a little while for the weight to drop off,,,,,,,,,,,hey wait I am stressing myself here,,,,,,,,,,,,,only teasing it's all well worth it,,,,,,,did I mention well worth it because it so is... otherwise there would not be so many people with more than one child...

  3. morning sickness lasts all day.

  4. I had a great pregnancy as did many other people I know however we all had different ones.  I was gracious for all the other knowledge of other people's experiences.

    As for the other answerer and breastfeeding and contractions, the "contraction" you feel at first while breastfeeding is less painful than a menstrual cramp AND it's actually just your uterus shaping back to where it belongs.  Good luck with trying to conceive should you decide to.  Good luck and God bless!

  5. Not everyone gets morning sickness, stretch marks may be hereditary, but if your mom didn't have them, they have to start somewhere! In my case, with me! & rubbing cocoa butter on yourself, doesn't help everyone. Be prepared for a lot of attention, strangers will always ask you when you're due, but it prepares you for people asking about your kid once it's out of the womb. Each pregnancy is different, you could have an easy one, followed by a hard, or vice versa. Your hormones might make your s*x drive pretty nuts. 9 months up, 9 months down, in regards to losing weight. Breastfeeding (if you're planning to) hurts like h**l the first 5 weeks, but after that, it's a cake walk & so worth it. You really do "glow" when your pregnant because you are always hot. I had the a/c on in December (granted we were in Texas) but it was set to 65! Brrr. Tell  your husband to invest in some blankets & sweaters. ;)

  6. To wear poise (or other such) pads.  I didn't realize that if I sneezed, laughed, coughed, etc.  I would pee my pants.  It was a little embarrasing at first until I found out that it was pretty normal.

  7. Pregnancy was pretty much what I thought it was.  Growing belly, sleepless nights, heartburn, some cravings, etc..  I expected to have that awful swelling everyone complains about, but I never had it.  THe one thing I wish someone told me has more to do with after you deliver the baby.  Once you deliver the baby you will conitinue to have contractions for a few days to a week after the baby is born.  Especially if you breastfeed.  I was not expecting that.

    exactly, your uterus is contracting back, just as it contracts when your delivering.

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