
What do you worrry about ? Beside the <span title="obvious...economy...bills...gas">obvious...economy...bills...</span> prices...what keeps you up at night..?

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What do you worrry about ? Beside the obvious...economy...bills... prices...what keeps you up at night..?




  1. Genocide in Darfur.  Human rights violations in other countries.  The situation in Iraq- and if we leave too fast because that would lead to killing and Iraq being taken by various countries.

  2. Family illnesses and aging parents. Nothing one can do about them but to be there for them.

  3. Fear of the dark keeps me up at night :-(

  4. I worry that things will never work out.  And by things I mean everything.

  5. The endangeredment of polar bears. The poor little things are so cute, they don&#039;t deserve to die.

  6. Man-eating ferrets.  Freak me out.  Seriously.

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